Chapter 37 - Something's Up

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Taylor's P.O.V.
Music drummed in my ears and lights flashed in front of my eyes. We'd been at the party for ages, and it was already nearing 1:00am! My head throbbed and my feet were aching from all the dancing. A headache was brewing above my temples, and is had enough. I let the bathroom for like the fourth time, and headed through the crowd to find Thomas. I found him sat by the bar, laughing his head off with Dylan.

"Hey, Thomas?" I sat next to him and wrapped an arm over his shoulder.

"Yeah, love?" He smiled, turning his attention from Dylan to me.

"I think I'm gonna go home now. I'm tired and my head hurts."

"Aw really?" He said sympathetically, wrapping me in a hug, "You want me to come with you?"

"No no, it's fine," I replied, "But I'll take the car though, seeing as you have been drinking."

"Yeah no problem!" He agreed, giving me a kiss. I could taste alcohol on his lips, which made me pull away.

"Okay, well I'll see you at home then," I smiled, and waved goodbye to Dylan, who was already drunk and was busy chatting up some blonde girl to even notice me. Rolling my eyes, I kissed Thomas' cheek and made my way through the swarming sea of dancing bodies. I let out a huge sigh of relief, as the cool outside air filled my lungs when I entered the car park. Letting the wind blow through my air, I walked to our car and hopped in. The drive home was dull and painful. My headache was now a migraine, and spots flashed in front of my eyes as I parked up outside. I only just managed to get to the apartment in time, before I felt as if I would collapse. Falling into the sofa, I kicked off my heels and curled up with my head resting on a cushion. And soon enough I fell asleep.

In the morning...

The sound of my alarm woke me up. Typical. Bloody typical. Sunday morning, and I forgot to turn off my alarm. Sighing, I rolled over and switched it off. I rubbed my eyes and sat up. Where was I? It took me a while to realise that I was in the living room, and that I'd come home last night from the party. The party. Thomas must be back by now. Heaving myself off the sofa, I walked towards his bedroom door.

"Thomas?" I knocked loudly on his door, "Thomas, you awake?" When there was no answer, I assumed that he was sleeping and so I peeked my head around the door. Bu the room was empty. Confused, I left his room and searched the rest of the apartment. He wasn't here. My heart slowly began to race as I hurried in my bag for my phone and dialled his number. The phone just rang and rang.

"Come on Thomas! Pick up!" I cried, dialling his number again. Still nothing. I began to panic as I called Dylan.


"Oh thank god you picked up, Dylan!" I sighed with some relief, "Is Thomas with you?"

"Taylor, it's bloody seven in the morning!" He groaned, "I've got a massive headache!"

"Dylan, Thomas didn't come home last night!" I exclaimed, "Where is he?"

"What?" I knew Dylan would have just sat up with the shock, "Wait, I don't know where he is! I can't remember!"

"Dylan, I'm scared!" I said quietly, trying for my voice not to break, "He should be home by now!"

"Okay, Taylor calm down! It's going to be fine!" Dylan said gently, but I could tell he was as worried as me, "Right, I'll be over in twenty minutes." He hung up, and I stared blankly at the opposite wall. Where was he?

Dylan arrived here in a hurry. His t-shirt was on back to front, and his hair was all over the place. Together, we tried ringing Thomas again about five times, but there was still no answer. It was now almost midday.

"Dylan, I'm really worried," I said, bringing my hands up to my face and wiping the tears from my eyes, "Something could have happened to him!"

"Hey, hey, Taylor." Dylan wrapped his arms around my shoulders, and brought me into his chest, "Thomas is a smart guy okay? He's fine!" Suddenly, the front door opened and the pair of us whipped round. And there he was.

"Oh my god, Thomas!" I cried, rushing into his arms.

"Oh god, Taylor what's wrong?" He asked, wrapping me in a hug with his strong arms.

"I thought I'd lost you!" I said into his chest. He sighed, and stroked small circles on my back.

"I'm so sorry, love. I promise I won't ever do that to you again!" I breathed in deeply as relief filled me. But soon, it was replaced with anger.

"Where were you?" I asked, breaking apart from him.

"Oh I, I got really quite drunk last night and the owner of the club checked me into a hotel," He said, running a hand through his hair.

"Dylan got drunk, and he didn't go to a hotel," I said bluntly, looking at him with inquisitive eyes.

"Yeah, well I was very drunk last night. Probably even more than Dylan!" Thomas laughed, yet again running his hand through his hair.

"Why could you be so irresponsible?" Dylan asked, stepping forward, "You had Taylor in tears over here, and I had to come and make sure she was alright, because you weren't here to do that! You could have at least called her! Or even one of us! You had us bloody worried!"

"Look, I'm really sorry, okay?" Thomas sighed, and I could see it in his eyes that he was truly sorry, "I promise I won't ever put you in that position again, love. And Dylan, thank you for being here for her."

"Just make sure it doesn't happen again." Dylan was eyeing Thomas very suspiciously now, and Thomas shifted his weight on his feet.

"Well then, I'm going to go to bed," Thomas yawned, "My head is killing me."

"Okay, well I'm going to go out today for coffee with Sydney," I said quietly, "So I'll see you later."

"I can drop you off, if you want?" Dylan offered, and I gladly accepted. So as Thomas left to go to sleep, I had a quick shower and got changed before Dylan took me into town. And in the back of my head, as the afternoon passed, a small and nagging thought tugged at my mind. Something was going on. 

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