Chapter 31 - Boat

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Thomas' P.O.V.
"Morning Taylor!" I smiled at her as she climbed out of her tent. Her hair was covering half of her face, and she looked extremely tired.

"Morning," She yawned, and sat beside me at the campfire, "What's for breakfast?"

"Well, at Restaraunte de Sangster, we have either squirrel or rabbit?" I laughed at Taylor's expression.

"Let me guess," She grinned, "That's Sangster for bacon or sausages?"

"You got it!" I laughed and handed her a plate of bacon and eggs.

"So, where is Molly?" She asked me as I sat with my back against a log.

"She went to sleep in the car," I sighed, nodding my head in the direction of the car, "She saw one spider crawl up the side of the tent and that was it!"

"Oh," Was all Taylor said. There was a silence between us that was unfamiliar to us both - it was awkward. We've never been unable to talk to each other about stuff, but now, ever since I've started seeing Molly again, we've hardly spoken. Although Molly was to blame for that. And I really disliked her for it.

"So, get a good night's sleep last night?" Taylor broke the silence, and looked up at me curiously. I knew what she was referring to, and I just groaned.

"Well, I would have done, but Molly didn't exactly want to go to sleep straight away," I sighed and rubbed my eyes. I looked up at Taylor, and she smiled at me sympathetically.

"Oh I'm sorry. You just can't keep 'em away from you can ya, Sangster?" We both started laughing and I shook my head at her.

"You are a very funny girl!"

"And you just noticed?" She said sarcastically, with risen eyebrows. I laughed a little, but when the laughter died down, we were silent again.

"I miss this," I said quietly, not looking Taylor directly in the eye. I could tell she was watching me carefully.

"Mm, me too," She replied, "But, I guess now you've got a girlfriend, things will be different between us?" Just as I was about to protest, I heard the car door slam shut from behind me.

"Tommy!" Molly screeched, running towards me and literally jumping into my lap. I let out a slight groan, and she giggled.

"Oops, sorry!" She pecked me lightly on the cheek and then turned round to Taylor, "Oh, where did you pick this baggage up from? The dump?" Something inside me boiled, and I almost had the urge to wrap my hands around her throat, but I kept my calm and laughed it off. Taylor, however, didn't.

"Yeah actually," Taylor smiled wickedly at Molly, "And I was wondering if you could give me some tips on how to look as good as you do? What do you call it?" Taylor went on, "Pram face? Up my own arse? Posh plastic? Ringing any bells?" I looked from Taylor to Molly, who looked like she was about to slap Taylor. I wrapped my arms more tightly around Molly's waist.

"Taylor," I warned, giving her a glare, "That was a bit over the top."

"Pfft, well excuse me then!" She huffed, standing up, "I'm just gonna go back to the dump then!" With that, she crawled back into her tent without another word. Molly let out a sigh.

"Well that's better," She said, loud enough so I was sure Taylor could hear, "No more prying eyes!" She placed her lips to mine and cupped my face with her hands, pulling me closer to her. I placed my hand on the small of her back, and held her tightly in my arms as we kissed. But after about a minute straight of kissing, I'd had enough. I pulled away from her and looked up to see her hurt expression. I just shrugged, causing her to move off of my lap, which allowed me to stand up. Some feeling returned to my feet and I looked over at Taylor's tent. As if by magic, she emerged seconds later, in dark jeans and a dark jumper that read 'Normal People Scare Me'. Her long dark hair was still slightly messy, but it shone like copper in the morning sunlight. She had no make-up on, that I could tell, and her green eyes still sparkled wildly. She was beautiful.

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