Chapter 8 - Smoothie Surprise

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Taylor's P.O.V.
5:59am. It's bloody typical isn't it? I wake up one minute before my alarm is due to go off. Groaning, I dropped my phone back onto the chest of drawers beside my bed, and rolled over on my side. Does anyone else try and cherish that last minute of sleep before their alarm goes off, or is it just me? I closed my eyes tightly, and desperately tried to fall back to sleep. Just as I finally felt like I was about to fall asleep, loud music began blaring from the speakers on my stereo.

"Can't. You. Just. Let. Me. Sleep?" I whined, throwing my hand down on the 'off' button. The music stopped playing, and I sluggishly lifted my legs off of the bed. Rubbing my eyes in order to adjust the to the blinding sunlight coming through the curtains, I stood up and headed into my bathroom. It's been a week since I moved in with Thomas. Once we had made the deal, it took three weeks before I could move in, seeing as I had to organise taxes, insurance and other important stuff. Also, there was the case of telling my sister that I'd be moving out. At first, she was slightly against it, saying that I barely knew Thomas and that it wasn't right or me to just move in with him without a second thought. But after a lot of reassurance from me, and encouragement from Sam, she finally accepted it and was happy for me. So here I am! Living with Thomas has been okay so far - sure, we get along great and he's a good friend, but I can't really judge living with him yet, when I've only been here for a week. Let's just see how things go.

Quietly singing along to the lyrics of Photograph, by Ed Sheeran, I hopped into the shower. Once I'd washed, I changed into a black pencil skirt, a maroon collared shirt and black blazer before I left my room for the kitchen. There was Thomas, stood over the counter chopping away at some strawberries.

"Morning!" I greeted, ruffling his hair as I walked past him.

"Hey!" He complained, shaking his head about, "Do you have any idea how long it took me to fix that?"

"What, you mean your bed head look?" I smirked, raising my eyebrows at him which caused Thomas to poke his tongue, "What are you making?"

"Fruit smoothie!" He grinned, dumping the fruit into the blender next to him, "You want one?"

"Nah I'm good thanks! I'll just stick to cereal!" I laughed, opening various cupboards for my breakfast, "Anyways, knowing you there will probably be less smoothie in your glass and more smoothie around the kitchen!"

"You underestimate me, Taylor!" He said proudly, plugging in the blender, "I happen to be a very good cook!" Nodding his head with satisfaction, he pulled the blender closer towards him and looked it over.

"Now, how the hell do you use this thing?" He mumbled, turning the blender around on the worktop, his hands searching for an 'on' switch.

"Thomas, you may want to put the lid on before you turn it on!" I warned.

"Taylor, I'm not stupid!" He complained, "I'm just trying to find the switch!" And before I could do or say anything, Thomas had found the switch, and had accidentally turned it on. The blender whirred to life, making a loud screeching sound as it started spewing a mixture of fruit all over the kitchen top.

"Ahhhh!" Thomas screamed, as a wave of fruit smoothie covered his shirt and face.

"Thomas!" I yelled over the noise, running forward with my arms in front of my face. Hair flew all around my eyes, as I felt around the base of the blender in an attempt to turn it off.

"Make it stop!" Thomas shouted, putting his hands over the top of the blender to prevent more smoothie getting out.

"What do you think I'm bloody doing?" I practically shrieked. I finally found the button and pressed it fast. The machine stopped whirring and there was silence. Breathing heavily, I slowly turned round to face Thomas, who was stood next to me with his hands still over the top of the blender. There was smoothie covering his face, hair and clothes, and there was also a load of it all over the kitchen top.

"I. Told. You. To. Put. The. Lid. On." I growled at him, watching as he rubbed the fruit out of his eyes. Once he'd got the final strawberry seed from his eye, he removed his hands and we exchanged looks. The pair of us burst into laughter, often pointing at each other.

"You idiot!" I howled with laughter, clutching my stomach as I leaned back against the fridge, "I told you there would be less smoothie in your glass and more in the kitchen!"

"Well at least I don't look like I was actually in that blender!" He cried. We both suddenly stopped laughing, and Thomas looked down at his clothes.

"Oh, yeah, so do I!" He chuckled, "Right then, I guess we better get cleared up!"

Later at work...

Thomas' P.O.V.
"Sangster!" Dylan exclaimed, tackling me with a hug as I walked into the staff lounge. Laughing and slightly stunned, I hugged him back.

"Hey Dylan! How have you been?" Dylan had been off work now for the past week and a half with the flu. Today was his first day back, and he had no clue about Taylor having moved in with me. This was gonna be fun!

"Eh, can't complain! I love the flu mate!" He chuckled, following me over to the coffee machine. Once we'd got our coffee (thankfully without any of it going elsewhere but inside our cups), we both found a seat at an empty table.

"So what's been up with you? Found a flatmate yet?" Dylan asked, sipping his coffee before spitting it back out into his cup, "Bloody hell that's hot!"

"Dylan! That's sick!" I laughed, "And answering your question, yes I have found a flatmate and she's brilliant!" Dylan suddenly froze and rose his eyebrows at me.

"Thomas, I know I said you should get some company, but I didn't think you'd take it that seriously!"

"Noooo!" I burst into laughter, covering my mouth with my hand. Tears were in both mine and Dylan's eyes as we laughed, until we both finally pulled ourselves together.

"So what's she like then? Who is she?"

"Urm, well it's Taylor!" I replied, waiting for Dylan's response. He looked at me with wide eyes, and his mouth slightly agape.

"What, you mean Taylor as in Taylor Brooks?"

"Yeah! We're good friends now and she told me that she was looking for a place to rent," I said smiling. Dylan just looked back at me, shell shocked. Suddenly, Taylor herself walked into the room and grinned at me.

"Hey Thomas!" She smiled.

"Hey Taylor!" I smiled back, "This is my mate Dylan. Dylan, this is Taylor!"

"Hi!" She greeted Dylan, shaking his hand, "I've seen you around here before!"

"Yeah, I've worked here for a while now!" He replied, as she sat down next to me and opposite him. I could tell that he was still kind of shocked, seeing as he believed Taylor didn't talk to anyone, but he suddenly hid all that.

"So I heard you're renting Tommy's spare room here?" He chuckled, "How's that working out?"

"Oh it's alright I guess," She mumbled, "Although this morning, someone over here decided to throw smoothie all over the kitchen!"

"What?" Dylan laughed, looking in my direction, "How'd you manage that?" We spent the next half hour laughing, joking and generally mucking about. We all started telling funny and embarrassing stories, and I ended up with a massive stitch in my side.

"Taylor, you are one funny girl!" Dylan chuckled, as we left the staff lounge to go back to our desks.

"You're not so bad yourself Dyl!" She smiled, patting his shoulder, "Although I thought you'd be a bit funnier yourself after all I've heard from Tommy over here!"

"Mean!" Dylan poked his tongue out before waving goodbye. Chuckling, I followed Taylor back to our desks.

"So what did you think of Dylan?" I asked her, collapsing into my chair.

"He's really nice! Made me laugh!" She giggled to herself, picking up her keyboard, "Right then, time to get back to work!"

"Oh brilliant!" I groaned, tapping my pen on the desk. Work.  

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