Chapter 39 - Leave

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Taylor's P.O.V.
"Oh, that's the best bit," She grinned, "I'm pregnant."

My heart stopped. A faint drumming began to cloud my hearing, and it felt as if all my senses had shut down. My hands started to shake, and my head swam.

"W-what?" Was all I could manage. I turned to Thomas, and pure shock and horror was reflected in his eyes. He looked from Molly to me, and back to Molly.

"What?" He stuttered, blinking his eyes countless times, as if to recollect what had just happened, "That's not possible."

"Oh I think it is," Molly smirked, "Don't you remember?"

"Whoa, hold up," I cleared my throat, holding out a hand and turning my full attention to Thomas. His eyes were wide. "Are you telling me that that night you didn't come home from the party; you were at her house? And you left me here, worried sick about where the hell you bloody well were?" Anger boiled inside me, and it took all my control not to pierce my skin with my fingernails, as I clenched my fist.

"Taylor, wait, listen-"

"No, Thomas," I cried, letting it all come out, "I can't believe you. You let me sit here, knowing I'd be worried sick, whilst you were off with her?"

"Taylor I didn't know!" He exclaimed, "I was drunk out of my mind and I had no idea!"

"So you're telling me that you had no bloody clue what Molly was going to say, when you saw her at the door?" I asked, my voice getting louder by the minute. Thomas looked at me innocently, and there were tears in his eyes.

"I had no idea," He mumbled, "But Taylor, honestly love, I had no control! I woke up that morning, realised what had happened, and instantly left. It meant nothing, love! You have to believe me!"

"Pfft, you sure about that?" Molly laughed, raising her eyebrows and smirking, "Not even after- "

"Shut it!" I practically screamed at her. She just scoffed a laugh. I turned back to Thomas.

"Thomas, you lied to me. That night when you came home. You lied to me." There were tears in both mine and Thomas' eyes now, and it took everything inside me not to break down and bloody punch both him and Molly. He looked back at me with his mouth slightly open, like he wanted to say something, but didn't know how.

"Taylor, I-"

Thomas, you're unbelievable," I shook my head, grabbing my bag from the sofa, "You know, for a minute there you had me fooled for your whole little act. The whole, 'I love you' rubbish? But this is one girl who won't stand for it!" I took my phone from the table and put it in my pocket.

"Taylor, please, I-"

"Save it Thomas!" I shouted at him, putting a hand up, "It's over! Have a nice life with her and your baby!" And with that I left. I left Molly standing there with a smug grin on her face. I left what I had believed to be my home. I left Thomas. And the one image that pained me to tears, as I walked away, was of the tears that I had seen in Thomas' eyes. I ran down the corridor, tears blurring my vision as I made my way to the lift. And as I entered the cold metal room, and turned to watch the doors slide shut behind me, I could see a shadow running towards me. They were shouting my name, but I could no longer hear them. I hurt too much, and as the doors shut and the lift began to move, I crawled into a small corner, and buried my head in my hands.

My shoulders shook viciously, and my loud cries filled the small room, echoing off of the metal walls. My throat burned, and my eyes stung with wet and sour tears. My hands trembled, and my knees shook so bad that I had to bring them to my chest, and wrap my arms around them. As the lift came to a stop, and the doors slowly opened, I shakily got to my feet and made my way out onto the street. People rushed past me, not even giving me a second glance, but I just kept going. But soon, the heat had become too much, and it was unbearable. I made it to the nearest bus stop, where I collapsed onto the bench, and pressed the side of my head to the glass window. Through misted eyes, I watched the world slowly go by, when I noticed a car pull up on the side of the pavement, just next to the bus stop. The window was rolled down, and someone stuck their head out towards me.

"Taylor?" It was my sister.  

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