Chapter 28 - Bittersweet

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Taylor's P.O.V.
A blinding brilliant light was bursting through the curtains as I woke up. Curious, I yawned before dragging myself out of bed and towards the window. I threw back the curtains, and my once sleepy expression was now overcome with a large smile. A bright blue sky beckoned me with opening arms, it's large white clouds floating by. Windows on the skyscrapers in the distance, sparkled from the morning sunlight, and the city of London looked alive and, almost brand new! Instantly fully awake, I hopped over to my iPod, and hit play on my playlist. The song 'Walking on Sunshine', by Katrina and the Waves, began playing through the speakers and even though I was in my pyjamas, even though I needed to get ready for work, and even though passers-by might have been able to see through the window, I threw my arms up in the air and danced along to the song.

I'm walking on sunshine,

I'm walking on sunshine,
Ohhh ohhhh

I'm walking on sunshine,

And it's time to feel good!

Grinning, I danced to the bathroom and jumped into the shower. The warm water against my cool skin, sent shivers down my spine as it revived me from my night's sleep. Once washed, and I'd wrapped a towel around me, I looked up at myself in the mirror. And with a large grin on my face, I picked my glasses up from the sink, and placed them on my face. Proudly, I nodded at myself before going to my room to get dressed. As I pulled a navy jumper over my head, memories of last night suddenly flooded back into my mind. I had completely forgotten about it this morning, and a small laugh escaped me when I remembered. I remembered Thomas' call, the twins, that game of Twister, reading Peter Pan and then... My eyes widened. Oh my God! Last night Thomas and I almost kissed. Happiness overflowed me, and a blush started to creep towards my face. I remembered the feelings I had felt as our faces had got closer and closer together. I could still feel the small tingles in my body when Thomas' fingers touched my face. And I could still see his deep brown eyes smiling down at my own. Oh my God. I think I'm in love with Thomas! I clasped my hands over my mouth as realisation dawned on me, and I made another small laugh. I'm in love with Thomas Brodie-Sangster! But what a should I do? Should I tell him? But what if he didn't feel the same about me? Doubts began to cloud my mind, but one thought kept them from filling it - he went to kiss me. So surely he must have some kind of feelings for me? Okay then, it's decided. I'll tell him.

I grabbed a banana from the fruit bowl as I headed towards the door, with my bag and keys in hand. As I made my way down to the car, I looked at my watch. 8:00am. I was leaving earlier than usual so that I could pass by Thomas' sister's house. Thomas should have taken the kids to school by now, and by the time I'd get there, he'd be ready to go to work. Nodding to myself, for no real reason to be honest, I shut my car door behind me and played the radio.

"And this song goes out for all those Disney fans out there!" The DJ exclaimed, "So get up with your kids and dance along to this fantastic tune on a sunny Friday morning. It's Let It Go everybody!" My favourite Disney song started playing on the radio, and I couldn't help but turn it right up and sing till I thought my lungs would burst. As the song ended, and the DJs just started talking, I began to think about what I was going to say to Thomas. Over and over in my mind, I replayed the scenario, thinking about what I should say. But after twenty minutes of agonising speeches, I scrapped them all. It had to come from the heart. It had to be original.

My car stopped outside the house, and I nervously opened my door. I laughed to myself when I was met with the familiar porch steps from last night, and I happily climbed them with no problems. Pushing my glasses up my nose as I felt them slip slightly, I knocked loudly on the door. I waited for a minute, and then knocked again. Still no answer. Mm, maybe he took the kids to school? Deciding to wait for him in the car, I began to turn away when the door opened. My head snapped up, and I was met with a girl; her long blonde hair hanging down by her sides in wet curls, and a small white towel wrapped around her body. She looked sharply at me.

"Yes?" She snapped bitterly.

"Um, hi," I began, "Is Thomas in?"

"Why do you wanna know?" She argued, "Who are you anyway?" There was a sudden cheer from behind her, and she whipped around to see both Hannah and Ben come running towards me with open arms.

"TAYLOR!" I greeted them both with a hug and grin. As I pulled away from them, I noticed that although Hannah was smiling, her eyes weren't. They stared at me long and hard, before quickly glancing at the girl, and then back to me. It suddenly dawned on me. This girl was Molly.

"Honey, I thought Uncle Tommy would have taken you to school by now?" I asked her, looking in Molly's direction. She smirked and winked at me.

"We haven't seen him all morning!" Hannah said in an almost whisper so that Molly could barely hear her, "He's just been upstairs all morning! And then I saw that girl come out of his bedroom this morning, and get in the shower." Anger was practically boiling inside of me as I stood up to face Molly.

"Where is Thomas?" I said harshly.

"Well, Taylor," She said slyly, "After Thomas broke up with you last night, I came here to comfort him, seeing as you had been a right bit-" I clasped my hands over the kids ears so they couldn't hear her.

"What do you mean, he broke up with me?" I asked, clearly confused. And then I remembered how I'd pretended to be Thomas' girlfriend that time we saw Molly in the park. Oh brilliant. But why would he have told her that we broke up? Surely he hasn't got back together with this girl? Molly's next sentence confirmed my fears.

"So after you'd been horrid to him," Seriously? Can you not think of a better word than horrid?

"I came here and well," She paused, looking down at the children, "Let's just say we went to bed early, yeah?" I wanted to throw up. I honestly did. All the happiness that I had been feeling earlier, drained from me, and I had to keep my hands on Hannah's small shoulders just to keep myself steady.

"Okay, Ben," I looked down at him, "Can you go get both your school bags? I'll drop you off at school!"

"What's wrong with Uncle Tommy?" Hannah asked as Ben ran into the house. Obviously I couldn't tell her

"Your Uncle is still in bed," Molly piped in, "And by the looks of things, he will be all day!"

"Is he sick?" Hannah almost cried.

"Well, what do the kids call it these days?" Molly wondered, "I guess you could say he's got the love bug?"

"Hannah," I smiled, "Uncle Tommy is fine! Milly here is just being funny!" I couldn't help but smirk at the look of rage on Molly's face as I said her name wrong. Ben came back with their school bags and I told the kids to get into the car. When they were out of earshot, I glared at Molly.

"What's the big idea?" I growled.

"What?" She asked innocently.

"You turn up, unannounced," I said through gritted teeth, "Even though Thomas told you he wasn't interested in getting back together with you!"

"Honey," She smiled that bittersweet smile at me, that almost made me throw up, "Just because he didn't get you into bed, doesn't mean he wouldn't try with anyone else." And with that, she slammed the door shut behind her and left me out on the porch.   

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