Chapter 34 - Breakup

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Taylor's P.O.V.
"Whoa, what's with the big grin?" Dylan laughed, as he joined me for lunch by my desk, "Last time I saw you, you were bawling your eyes out over Thomas!"

"I was not!" I cried, hitting him on the knee.

"Oh you so were!" He smirked, leaning back in his chair, "So, what's made you so happy?"

"Well, let's just say that they'll be no more me crying over Thomas liking someone else," I said slyly, raising my eyebrows. Dylan, who had brought a fork of pasta up to his mouth, looked up at me instantly and his mouth dropped.

"Wait, what?" He shook his head and put down his pasta, "You told him?"

"Well, some line of communication passed between us," I turned my chair round to pick up my sandwich, so my back was facing Dylan.

"Whoa whoa wait a second missy," He swivelled my chair back round, causing lettuce to fly out all over my desk, "Are you telling me what I think you're telling me? Cause personally, I never thought you'd have it in you," My eyes widened, and I vigorously shook my head back and forth.

"Oh no no no that's not what I meant!" I cried as Dylan burst into laughter, "No I meant we kissed!"

"Ohhhh!" Dylan laughed, "I was gonna say Tay, you've only known Thomas for what, almost six months!" I laughed again and brought my sandwich up to my mouth.

"So, are you two like, a thing now?" Dylan asked me, literally just as I was about to take a bite out of my sandwich.

"I'm not gonna get to eat any of this sandwich am I?" I sighed.

"Nope," Dylan replied, taking it from me and putting it down on the desk, "Not until you give me all the details." So once I'd gone over the story about three times, I finally got to take a bite out of my lunch. Dylan just stared at me, speechless.

"So, are you two like a thing now?" He asked, digging into his pasta again.

"I don't know," I admitted, thinking about it, "I mean, Thomas went over to Molly's today to tell her that it's over between them, so I'm not sure to be honest."

Four hours later...

As I walked along the small corridor towards our apartment, I could hear screaming coming from the other side of our door. It was Molly. Oh brilliant, I thought as I opened the door.

"And now you're cheating on me with her!" I heard Molly scream at Thomas in the kitchen, "Her of all people!"

"First off, it's not cheating if we weren't really going out," That was Thomas, "Second, you cheated on me in the first place, hence why we first broke up, and thirdly, this was only a fling."

"Oh don't talk rubbish!" Molly screamed, "If it were only a fling, then why did you get back with me?"

"Because I was confused!" Thomas sounded exasperated, "I was still upset about breaking up with you, and then when I met Taylor things changed. Listen Molly, it's over okay? End of conversation!"

"But it doesn't have to be!" Molly cried, "Thomas, we belong together!"

"No we don't!" He said bluntly, "I think you'd better leave. Now."

"You're making a mistake! You always do!" Molly warned but I knew Thomas had had enough.


"I hate you, Thomas!" Molly screamed at her full lung capacity. I could hear footsteps coming towards me, so I quickly ran to the shelter of my bedroom before I could bump into Molly. That was not an experience I wanted to have. I could hear Molly crying as she headed towards the door. She slammed it shut behind her with such force, that I thought the entire block of apartments was going to fall down! I waited for a moment, just to make sure that the coast was clear, before I tiptoed into the kitchen. Thomas had his head buried in his hands, which were propped up on his elbows on the kitchen table.

"Hey," I said quietly, but it still made Thomas jump.

"Bloody hell, Taylor!" He placed a hand over his heart, "You scared the hell out of me!"

"I think you scared it out of the room first!" I said, jerking my head towards the door. He knew I was talking about Molly.

"Oh, so you heard?" He sighed, running a hand through his hair.

"Yeah, I heard," I walked up behind him and wrapped my arms around his torso. He held my hands with his, and gently rubbed his thumb against my skin.

"You okay, love?" He asked, leaning his head back against my shoulder.

"Yeah, I'm good," I smiled, nuzzling my nose against his head, "I told Dylan about us, and he totally freaked out!"

"I'm surprised he didn't turn it into something bad," Thomas laughed, "That's usually what he'd do!"

"Well, I might have said something at the beginning that made it sound bad!" I said slowly, causing Thomas to turn around and laugh.

"Bloody hell, you can't go anywhere without turning some simple story between us into something 50 Shades of Grey!"

"Oh shut up!" I lightly smacked his arm and then headed towards the kettle, "And don't tell me you don't love it really!"

"Oh really?" Thomas smirked at me, "Well, I'll just have to be careful what I say then won't I?" He got up and wrapped his arms around my waist, brushing his nose against mine.

"Yes you will," I laughed.   

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