Chapter 18 - You're Kidding

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Taylor's P.O.V.
"Oh, Thomas!" I gasped, looking over at him in surprise as my eyes fell on what lay in my lap. Folded neatly within the box, it's front facing upwards, was a dress. But not just any dress - this dress was absolutely gorgeous. Excitedly, I lifted it from the box and held it out in front of me. The dress was a deep purple colour, with a flowing skirt that hung down to the floor. Purple lace made into a layer of small roses, covered the bodice and shoulders, coming together at the back of where my neck would go, and a small piece of the same colour fabric was tied around the waist. It was perfect.

"Oh, Thomas it's gorgeous!" I cried, wrapping my arms around his middle and tackling him down with a hug, "I don't know how to thank you!"

"Well, I think you already do to be honest!" He laughed, hugging me back, "And you're more than welcome!"

"Wait a second," I said as the pair of us both sat up, "How'd you know I needed a dress? I never mentioned anything to you!"

"Mm well that's where you're wrong," He smirked at me, "I overheard you on the phone to your cousin the other week, and you were going on how you'd struggle to find something purple to wear to the wedding. And voíla!" He grinned.

"Thomas, I'm completely lost for words," I said quietly, standing up and holding the dress against me, "I can't wait to wear it!" Thomas just chuckled at me.

"Plus, it'll go perfect with the purple suit I've got!" My eyes instantly shifted from the dress to Thomas.

"You're what?"

"My purple suit!" Thomas grinned, "I've got a purple suit, lilac shirt and purple tie to wear for the ceremony," From the look of complete horror on my face, he burst into a fit of laughter.

"Please tell me your kidding me here?" I asked nervously as I watched Thomas clutch his stomach and lie on his back, howling with laughter.

"Yes of course I'm kidding!" He managed through the laughter, "Over my dead body would anyone ever make me wear a) a purple suit, and b) a lilac shirt! In your dreams!" I sighed with relief as Thomas sat back up and finally managed to stop laughing.

"Well then, ha ha ha," I said sarcastically, "Anyway, we better hurry and pack up. We've got to leave for Yorkshire in an hour!"

"Good plan, batman," Thomas winked at me before leaving my room. Once he'd closed the door behind him, I stared back down at my dress. It was perfect. Okay now. To find matching shoes...

Later that evening at around midnight...

"Oh holy ground!" I cried, getting out of the car and placing my hands on the cold gravel, "I thought I'd never get out of that car!"

"Come on, Taylor," Thomas chuckled, quietly shutting his car door, "It wasn't that bad!" My head shot up in what I assumed was his direction. There were very few street lights in the Yorkshire Dales, and I could just make out the outline of his body from the dim light of a nearby lamp post.

"Not that bad? Not that bad?" I asked, standing up, "Thomas, we've been in that car for the past six hours!"

"Mm, good point," He agreed, opening the boot of the car to retrieve our bags, "Although it would have been much better if you hadn't sung all the way here!"

"And what pray tell, is wrong with my singing?" I asked, placing a hand on my collar bone.

"Nothing, it's just I can only stand so many Disney songs for so long!" Thomas laughed as he dropped the last bag to the floor and shut the boot.

"You have so much to learn!" I rolled my eyes at him and grabbed my bag, "Now remember why you're here - you're my boyfriend and we've been seeing each other for about six months."

"Six months? Taylor, I've only known you for three!" He laughed, following me towards the dimly lit mobile homes. There were about fifteen of them, all clustered together in a small, terraced part of the country house grounds. I guess you could kind of call them caravans, but these looked far too small to be even considered as one, so I just stuck with calling them mobile homes.

"Three months? Is that all?" I asked him in surprise, watching as Thomas lifted the door mat to our 'caravan' and retrieved the key.

"Yeah, feels like ages huh?" He nodded, unlocking the door and stepping to the side, "Ladies first,"

"Why thank you kind sir!" I giggled, walking into the mobile home and almost straight into the bathtub.

"Wait, what?" I asked, surprised as I stared down at the bathtub that stood before me. I heard Thomas shut the door behind us and I turned to see he had the same expression on his face as I did on mine.

"Are you telling me that there's no bugging door to the bathroom?" Thomas exclaimed, looking around the bathtub for any signs of at least a folding door.

"Urrr, Thomas," I said quietly, as I walked further on into the mobile home, "It gets worse."

"How could this get any worse?" I turned to see him stood inside the bathtub, looking around the ceiling above it, "Aha! We have a curtain!" I laughed as I watched Thomas pull a bath curtain across the bathtub, an expression of complete achievement on his face. But that suddenly fell, when the curtain whizzed past him and covered only half the bath.

"Thomas, I can still see you!" I laughed, raising my eyebrows at him.

"Okay, so the curtain doesn't cover the entire bath," Thomas muttered to himself as he clambered out, "Oh, and there is no door to the bathroom and also the bath is directly opposite the bugging front door!" I couldn't help but laugh from how ridiculous this situation was. I finally managed to pull myself together as Thomas walked to my side and ran a hand through his hair.

"Now, how'd you say this could get worse?" He asked, before gazing up at the room before us. Now, remember how I said that these mobile homes were way too small to even be considered a caravan. Well that is no lie. What stood before us, was a single room, no bigger than say five meters by six meters square, with a double bed that looked more like just a large single bed, and a small cupboard, which I assumed and hoped would be our wardrobe. Two small lamp shades hung on either side of the bed and that was it.

"You've got to be kidding me?" Thomas groaned, sitting on the edge of the bed.

"Urm, I'm afraid not," I replied, dropping my bag on the floor and slowly walking around the room and opening the cupboard door, "Ooh I've found the toilet!" I laughed as Thomas rolled his eyes and collapsed on the bed, his hands covering his face.

"Look it's not the end of the world, okay?" I smiled, sitting beside him on the edge of the bed, and patting his knee, "We're here for two nights so it's really not that bad!"

"Mm, I guess," He sighed, sitting up, "Right, I'm gonna get ready for bed." The pair of us stood up to grab our bags and we dumped them on the bed. Quickly unfolding my pyjamas, I did a full turn on the spot and looked up at Thomas who had done the same thing.

"Urm, where is there room to change?" I laughed, looking around me.

"I tell you what. You get changed in here, and I'll go get changed in the bath," Thomas chuckled quietly, leaving the bedroom and stepping into the bath. Once I'd made sure I'd found a fairly private place to change, I threw on my 'I'm A Geek, Deal With It' Donald Duck top and shorts and climbed into bed. I was practically lying on the very edge of the bed; it was that small! Thomas came back from the bathtub - not that that sounds weird at all - and climbed in next to me. As he shifted in bed, his barefoot brushed against my leg causing me to freak.

"Bloody hell your feet are like ice!" I cried, sitting up and rubbing my leg in an effort to warm it.

"Sorry, it is freezing in here though!" He laughed, before looking down at my pyjamas and smirking, "Seriously? Disney again?"

"Seriously? Black t-shirt and grey checkered trousers again?" I copied, lying back down so I could face him.

"Well, if you don't like the black t-shirt then I can always take it off!" He smirked, winked at me and lay down.

"Oh shut up, Sangster! You're too obsessed!" I laughed, closing my eyes slowly. Thomas turned the light off, and I let the darkness consume me.  

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