Chapter 22 - Home

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Taylor's P.O.V.
Once Ellie had run off, in quite a hurry I might add, I slammed the door shut and hit my head hard against the back of it.

"Fudge fudge fudge," I groaned, turning my head to face Thomas, "Well that didn't look suspicious at all!"

"Mm," He replied, running his hands through his hair agitatedly, "Not at all!"

"Right then, well I'd best go down there now and sort this out before everyone else find out!" I said hurriedly, heading back towards the bed and retrieving my suitcase from underneath it. I grabbed a quick change of clothes, had a wash and did some rough make-up, and then made my way to breakfast. Thomas said he'd join me later on, seeing as he still felt like he was going to throw up, so I left him in bed. It didn't take me long to find Ellie and her new husband, who were both sat at the far side of the room digging into full English Breakfasts. Ellie rose her eyebrows when she saw me, and motioned for me to come talk to her in the other room. This was gonna be good. Rolling my eyes, I followed her into a small room where crockery was stored and watched silently as she shut the door behind us.

"So what's going on with you and Thomas then?" She grinned, her eyes wide with excitement. Bit creepy.

"Nothing's going on!" I hushed, keeping my voice low so that no one else could hear me, "You just turned up at a very very bad time!"

"So you wanna explain then why he was half dressed, you were in crumpled and dishevelled pyjamas, and why you both had messy hair appeared out of breath?" Ellie smirked and placed her hands on her hips.

"Right, a) Thomas was drunk last night and had fallen asleep whilst trying to get changed into his pyjamas b) I had just woken up so of course I looked messy, and c) because Thomas had just fallen over his shoes and scared the hell out of me when he hit the floor!" I found myself gasping for air by the time I was finished. Ellie just looked at me for a second, before bursting into a fit of laughter.

"Wow, still the exciting and quirky Taylor that I remember!" She cried, wiping the tears from her eyes, "Okay, I believe you!"

"Phew," I sighed, "And no one else knows about this right?"

"Nope!" She grinned and turned round to open the door, "Now, where is your lover-boy?"

"He still feels sick from last night," I laughed lightly, tapping her arm as I passed her.

"You were that bad at it huh?" I whipped round and playfully punched Ellie on the arm.

"I told you, nothing happened!" I cried. I could feel my face burning red, I was that embarrassed.

"Aw, lickle Taylor is embarrassed!" Ellie cooed, heading towards her table.

"Oh shut up!"

Half an hour later...

"Unbelievable!" I sighed, slamming the door shut behind me and kicking my converse off.

"How'd it go?" I heard Thomas quietly groan from the bed, "Was I right to put Taylor Brooks in charge of fixing the series of events that happened earlier?"

"Define fixing?" I said sarcastically, collapsing on the bed next to him. I turned my head so that I could get a better look at him, and I burst into laughter. Thomas had his face buried in a pillow, his hands in his hair and the duvet pulled up to his shoulders. From the sound of my laughter, he looked up at me with a confused expression on his face.

"Aww, is Tommy still feeling poorly?" I asked, moving up closer to him and wrapping him in a hug.

"Mm hm," He sighed, closing his eyes gently. Although only for a moment, because his eyes suddenly shot open and he sat up to turn to face me.

"What do you mean, 'define fixing?'" Laughing, I told him what had happened between me and Ellie. By the time I had mentioned the "You were that bad at it, huh?" comment, Thomas was in a fit of laughter.

"Wow, you do know how to get yourself in trouble, love, don't you?" He grinned, placing his hands over his face as he continued to laugh, "I have to admit though, you did kinda walk into that one Tay!"

"Meanie," I poked my tongue out at him and heaved myself off of the bed, "Right, we best get packing!" Once I'd finally got Thomas to get off his arse and stop moaning about his headache, we packed our suitcases and loaded them into the car. I was driving this time (no surprises there) and it was under my strict instruction that we would be listening to the music of my choosing on the way home. Of course, I agreed to have it on quietly so Thomas could sleep, but it was still in my control. After having said goodbye to all my relatives, and having promised Mia and Teddy that Thomas and I would come see them real soon, we were off home.

It took us a great deal of the day to get back to London, and by the time we were home, it was pitch black. I had some difficulty getting the cases up the stairs to our apartment, seeing as I told Thomas to go straight to bed, but I did manage it without falling down the stairs once (well, technically falling up the stairs doesn't count). I carefully placed (well actually dropped) our bags in the hallway and sleepily dragged myself to my room. Carelessly kicking my shoes off, I fell face down into my duvet and buried my face in a curtain of hair. Sleep.​​​​​  

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