Chapter 30 - Camping

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Taylor's P.O.V.
Well, these past two weeks have been hell. Molly, has been practically living with us; staying most nights and just appearing during the day. Her and Thomas were inseparable, and most of the time they were in a lip lock. I spent most of my time in my room, writing my book. Due to having spent so much time on my own, I had almost finished it. But for once, I'm now out with my sister in a London coffee shop. I'd told her everything, and she was bloody furious with Thomas.

"So what are you going to do, Tay?" Sydney asked, studying me over her coffee cup.

"I don't know!" I sighed, and slouched back into my chair, "I mean Thomas has asked me to go camping with the two of them this weekend!"

"Are you gonna go?" Sydney rose her eyebrows.

"I don't know! I mean, should I?" I asked, fiddling with my hands in my lap.

"I think you should," I looked up as my sister spoke.


"Yeah, Tay," She smiled and placed her cup down on the table, "Think about it. It would give you a chance to actually talk to him. I mean, when he's apart from that girl."

"Mm," I said thoughtfully, "Okay, maybe I will." That was three days ago. It's now Saturday morning and I'm stood by the front door, waiting for Thomas and Molly.

"Guys, can we go already?" I whined, "We were meant to leave an hour ago!"

"But I can't find my eye shadow!" Molly protested, flipping cushions and blankets off of the sofa.

"Molly, you're going camping in the freakin' woods! You don't need your eye shadow!" The glare I received from her was full of so much hatred, but I did not break eye contact.

"Taylor, I can't bring my curling tongs anyway, because of Thomas' stupid rule that we can't bring any technology with us, so would you mind terribly if I just look for my eye shadow? Thank you." Molly put the cushions back carelessly and headed for Thomas' room. Ten minutes later, she finally found it (in her bloody make-up bag), and we piled into the car. The journey was going to last at least four hours, and I had been crammed in the back of the car with the luggage. Can I just say one thing? Worst, bloody car journey of my life. At 4:00pm, it was already getting dark and we'd been stuck in the car for three hours.

"Are we lost by any chance?" I asked from the back.

"No, we're not," Thomas began, "I'm just, having trouble finding the um, campsite that's all."

"So we're lost then!" I sighed, rolling my eyes, "Molly, is there a navigation system in the glove box by any chance?"

"Um Taylor, doesn't a navigation system count as technology?" She asked smugly, turning in her seat to face me.

"Are you telling me," I growled, "That you left the bloody sat nav at home, and we're now lost because of it?"

"Um, yes!" She smiled sickly at me. Both Thomas and I groaned.

"Seriously, love?" Thomas sighed, "Sat navs don't count as technology when we actually need it to get to where we're going!"

"Well I'm sorry!" She moaned, folding her arms and sulking, "Why are we going camping anyway? It's pointless! We're voluntarily living like bloody peasants!"

"Right a) we don't live in the freakin 1500's anymore," I said, "And b) because camping is fun!"

"No it's not!" Molly whined, "It's all dirty and there are freaky creatures in the night that could come out and eat you!" I was literally speechless. I sat there with my mouth wide open, but nothing came out. How dim was this girl? But she suddenly interrupted my thoughts.

"Oh well," Molly went on, "At least I get to share a tent with my knight in shining armour here," She wrapped her arms around Thomas' arm, and I watched as Thomas smirked at the road ahead. Bloody hell, it's like being in a car with the two last pandas at a bloody zoo!

"Right, can we please stop for directions?" I asked in an annoyed tone.

"Don't worry Taylor, we'll find it," Thomas smiled at me through the car mirror.

"It's not me I'm worried about," I laughed half-heartedly, "I'm that hungry that I may be forced to eat the pair of you two in a minute!" Thomas just laughed, but Molly turned to me with a disgusted expression.

"You would resort to humanism?" She sounded shocked. Not as bloody shocked as I was when she said 'humanism'.

"Do you even know what humanism means?" I asked her, "And don't you mean cannibalism?"

"Don't you try and teach me English!" She laughed, "I know what I meant, and I meant humanism. That means eating other humans if you didn't already know!" Happy with herself, Molly turned around again and left me staring at her with my mouth wide open (again) from shock. Sighing, I collapsed into my chair, and watched the passing road out of the window.

Three hours later, we finally arrived at the campsite. Although we finally thought everything was alright and good, we soon discovered the issue of setting up the tents. Oh, and on a more positive note, it was pouring with rain. Whilst Molly waited in the car, applying more and more nail varnish to her nails, Thomas and I dragged the tent outside and began setting up.

"Right, and this pole goes," I looked back down at the diagram on the floor, which I kept down with my foot. It was already hard enough to make sense of anyway, and the rain and wind was definitely no help. A sudden gust of wind caused the diagram to fold in half, and I mentally screamed. Bending down to pick it up, I wiped the rain from my eyes. This was no fun. Once I'd finally got a hold of the diagram, I stood up and stepped backwards slightly. Only I hadn't noticed that Thomas was working on the main frame of the tent, directly behind me. My foot became caught in the material for the tent, and I was sent falling backwards. Right onto Thomas.

"Oh my God, Thomas I'm so sorry!" I cried, as I attempted at getting up off of him. Why was it that I kept falling directly on top of him? Seriously?!

"Don't worry," He smiled, getting up and brushing the mud from his trousers. We continued to battle against the wind and rain, and after an hour or so, we had finally put the tents up and ferried all our stuff into them. Thank God I had my own tent. Shivering from the cold, I crawled inside and dried my hair a little with a towel. Sighing, I lay my head down against my pillow and shut my eyes slowly. I listened to the sounds of the rain pattering against my tent, and the whistling of the wind in the trees. And soon, I fell asleep.  

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