Chapter 14 - Boiler Cupboard or Toilet?

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Taylor's P.O.V.
"So what do you think?" Thomas grinned at me as he leaned back into the leather sofa. I shrugged.

"Eh, it's okay I guess," I mumbled, "But there's not much character! Everything is just plain and modern and I don't like it!"

"Seriously? What's wrong with modern?" He exclaimed, looking around him.

"There's nothing to it!" I moaned, walking up to the window and looking out over the London skyline, "I mean look around! There's nothing to do!"

"Eh hem? Is there something wrong with your eyes?" Thomas cleared his throat and pointed outside the window, "London city is not even a mile walk from here!"

"Yeah, but it's all shops and restaurants! I just find it boring!"

"Well I love it!" He said, patting the arm of the sofa, "I tell you what will make you less bored! Let's watch a DVD!"

"Okay cool!" I smiled, "I'll go make some tea!" Whilst Thomas started searching for the DVDs, I walked into the small kitchen and looked around.

"Err, Thomas? How'd you turn the lights on again?"

"Lights!" Thomas shouted loudly from the living room. Instantly, bright lights burned to life on the ceiling, causing me to squint from the sudden change from dark to light.

"Whoa, okay that's bloody bright!" I cried, covering my eyes.

"Is it working?" He called.
"Noooo not at all!" I said sarcastically, receiving a laugh from Thomas, "Oh shut up!" Groaning, I headed over to the kettle and boiled the water.

"Right, where are the teabags?" I asked myself, searching the blank white panels that had replaced cupboards. How the hell do you open these things? On instinct, I smacked the edge of the one of the panels hard with my palm, and it sprung open.

"Ahah!" I declared, "I have found the tea!"

"Wow, well done Columbus!" Thomas smirked, coming into the kitchen.

"I think you'll find that Columbus discovered America, not tea!" I commented, picking up numerous tea bags and smelling them. They all seemed fruity to me.

"Oh you know what I meant, clever clogs!" Thomas lightly hit me on the arm, "Hey listen, I can't find the DVDs anywhere!"

"Okay, give me a second!" I quickly dunked two random teabags in our cups and finished making the drinks, "Why don't you check the instructions booklet?"

"Good plan Batman!" He grinned, scanning the kitchen with his eyes, "Now the next question is; where is said drawer?"

We spent the next ten minutes searching the kitchen high and low, for the bloody instructions. The pair of us hit every single panel in the room, but there was no drawer to be found. After having given up, we collapsed on the sofa and drank our tea quietly.

"Urm, Taylor?" Thomas broke the silence.

"Mm hm?"

"Did Henry show us where the bathroom was?" I looked at him with a confused expression.

"Urr, you know I don't think he did! Why?" Thomas glared at me.

"Oh, because I was thinking of re-doing it for him! Why'd you think?" He exclaimed, making his sarcasm really clear.

"Alright keep your knickers on!" I laughed at my own joke. Thomas poked his tongue out me, and still laughing to myself, I ruffled his hair as I passed him.

"Well, the bathroom must be through one of these, I suppose," I spoke quietly, hitting random panels on the wall. When nothing happened, I looked back at Thomas.

"Nope, nothing,"

"Come on! My five-year-old niece could hit that wall harder than you!" Thomas got up and smacked the panels hard with his hand. Still nothing.

"Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you the world's strongest man!" I smirked, clapping slowly as I watched Thomas shove one panel with his shoulder.

"Okay, we're gonna have to wedge it open with something!" He stated, looking around the room for something to use. Finally spotting the fire poker by the electric fireplace (if it's electric, then honestly what is the point in having a bloody fire poker?), Thomas picked it up and wedged it inside the gap in between two panels.

"What are you doing?" I gasped, "You're gonna break it!"

"No I won't, relax!" He replied calmly.

"Anyway, how'd you know the bathroom is behind that panel anyway?" I asked.

"Duh? Because I can hear water behind it!" Thomas sighed.

"Well, Mr. Know It All," I cleared my throat, "Water doesn't mean it's the bathroom! It could be the boiler cupboard!"

"Don't be ridiculous! It's the bathroom!" Thomas said, pushing against the fire poker with all his strength. Suddenly, large splinters of wood flew all over the place, as the fire poker broke a hole in the panel.

"Thomas!" I shouted, looking over the damage, "You idiot!"

"Ah, that was not meant to happen!" Thomas looked from the fire poker, now in his hands, back to the panel, "Oh well, at least it opened the door though eh?" Taking a step towards the broken panel, Thomas took hold of it and swung it open. His smile fell from his face when he looked inside.

"What is it?" I asked, standing next to him. Inside the small room, was the boiler.

"The boiler cupboard," I stated bluntly, "Hm, why do I instantly have the urge to say I told you so?" Thomas just glared at me.

"Wait a second, didn't Henry say we had en-suites in the bedrooms?" I asked, looking up at Thomas. Smiling sweetly at his shocked face, I skipped, yes skipped, to one of the bedrooms.

"Well voíla! Here it is!" I laughed, pointing at the door in the bedroom, "I just remembered seeing it!"

"You're pulling my leg right?" Thomas looked from me, back to the broken panel in front of him, "You just remembered?"

"Yep!" I ginned, popping the 'p'.

"I really don't like you right now!" He growled as he passed me into the bathroom. I could tell he was joking.  

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