Chapter 27 - Bedtime Stories

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Taylor's P.O.V.
After another very long game of Twister, we were all pretty tired. Groaning sleepily, I lifted my arm and looked at my watch. Bloody hell. It was 9:00pm!

"Okay kids," Thomas said from beside me, "I think it's time you went to bed now! Mummy will be angry with me if you stay up any later!"

"Ohhhhh," Hannah whined, letting out a small yawn, "But I'm not tired!"

"Yes, I think you are!" Thomas laughed, picking her up in his arms, "Come on Ben, you too!" Sleepily, Ben stood up on his two small feet and headed after Thomas. But seconds later, he came running back into the living room and taking my hand in his, pulled me towards the stairs with him. I laughed, but happily followed him up to his room. Whilst Thomas helped the little guy with his pyjamas, I waited outside by the bathroom.

"Taylor?" A small voice said. I turned around and saw Hannah stood by her door, clutching her teddy in one hand.

"Yes sweetie?" I smiled, crouching down so our eyes were level.

"Can you come here please?" She asked quietly, leading me to her bed, where she crawled under the pink covers.

"What's wrong, hun?" I said, pulling the covers up so that they reached her elbows.

"I miss my mummy," She replied, looking down at her teddy and twirling his fur with her fingers.

"Oh Hannah," I opened my arms out for her, and she happily crawled into them, "I know how you feel. I miss my mummy too."

"She always tucks me in at bedtime," Hannah's voice was muffled against my shoulder as she hugged me, "And reads me a bedtime story."

"But she'll be home tomorrow," I smiled a little, pulling away from her and tucking a strand of hair behind her ear, "Plus you've got your Uncle Tommy here!"

"And you," She said quietly, a small smile forming on her face.

"Oh bless you," I couldn't help but beam at her words. I'd only known her for a couple hours!

"Taylor, would you read me a bedtime story?" She asked slowly, fiddling again with her teddy, "It doesn't have to be a long one!"

"Of course I can, sweetie!" I laughed a little, "What would you like me to read to you?"

"Peter Pan!" Cried Ben as he rushed into the room and jumped onto Hannah's bed. Thomas followed, laughing at the sight of the two twins snuggled up in the small bed.

"I think I'm missing out!" He chuckled, perching himself on the edge of the bed, "And I don't have anybody to hug!"

"Hug Taylor!" Hannah squealed, pointing out at me. Laughing, I held out my arms to Thomas and he leant his side against mine, wrapping one arm around my waist as he did.

"Much better," He grinned, "Now, where's this book?"

After reading Peter Pan...

"Goodnight kids," I smiled as I shut the door to Hannah's room. The two of them had fallen asleep in the one bed, and they looked too peaceful to disturb. Quietly, Thomas and I crept downstairs and into the living room. As Thomas collapsed onto the couch, I walked to the kitchen sink, and placed my hands either side of it. Looking up, I noticed my reflection on the window pane. Sighing, I looked down into the empty sink again.

"What's wrong, Taylor?" I turned around to see Thomas leaning against the door frame, with a worried expression on his face. When I didn't answer him, he walked towards me and looked down at me with his big brown eyes.

"I'm worried about you, love," He began softly, "Ever since that night when I came home from work, you've not been yourself! It was tonight that I first saw you smile again since that night, and I know something's wrong."

"Thomas, I," I didn't know where to start. I could feel the tears already pooling in my eyes. My hands started to shake slightly and I sniffled.

"Hey, hey," He said gently, lifting his hand to my cheek and wiping away a stray tear, "What is it, Taylor? Please tell me?" Sighing, I gave in and told him what had happened. He listened silently, taking in each and every word that I said. As I finished my last sentence, I wiped at my face with my sleeve to rid it of any more tears. I looked up sadly at Thomas. Then he did something that I hadn't expected. He took my hand and led me to the bathroom. Standing next to me by the mirror, he brought out something from his jeans pocket. My glasses. Without a word, he lifted them to my face and tucked the ends of them behind my ears. And then he smiled.

"Much better." I couldn't help but smile. A small laugh escaped my mouth, and Thomas grinned.

"There's that Taylor that I love!" He said, embracing me in a hug. We stayed there for a while. Just standing there in each other's arms. And then I felt myself look up at Thomas' face. I looked deeply into his perfect brown eyes, and I fell. I fell deeper than I've ever fallen before. I felt both of us lean in towards each other. I felt Thomas' finger placed gently under my chin as he lifted my face up higher towards his. I could feel our noses brush against each other's. But then the moment was ruined. My phone began ringing on full volume from my pocket, making the pair of us jump. Internally screaming, I took my phone from my pocket and looked at the caller. Sydney.

"Hello?" I said, clearly agitated.

"Hey Taylor," She said cheerfully down the phone, "Just wondered how you were?"

"Urm, I'm good thanks," I replied, looking down at my feet and moving them slightly. Our conversation was short, and soon I ended the call. Sighing, I looked back at the floor and then at Thomas.

"I guess I'd better go home now," I said quietly.

"Can't you stay here?" He whispered, smiling a little.

"No, Thomas. I," I stuttered, "I think it's best I go home. Your sister won't want me staying here, and I need to be up early for work in the morning." Thomas just looked at me sadly, before taking my hand in his.

"I'll see you tomorrow then, yeah?"

"Yeah," I said almost silently. I left the bathroom, and grabbed my bag and coat. Thomas walked me to the door and opened it for me.

"See you tomorrow," I smiled, hugging him goodbye, a gush of cold air hitting my back as I stepped onto the front step.

"Yeah," He replied.

"Oh, and don't give the kids coffee in the morning, yeah?" I smirked at him and he laughed.

"And don't you fall down those steps again, yeah?"

"Oh my God, you saw that?" I blushed, laughing a little.

"Yes," He grinned, "You idiot!"

"Oh shut up!" I hit his arm lightly, "Well, have a goodnight!"

"You too!" Waving, I walked down the porch steps (without falling, thank you very much) and headed off down the street. I wrapped my coat around my body tighter as a cold breeze rushed past me. Now. Where can I find a cab?

Thomas' P.O.V.
I watched Taylor as she made her way down the street, calling for a taxi as she made it to the corner. Smiling to myself, I slowly closed the door and headed into the living room. I felt like my heart had been whole for a moment, only to be shattered again when Taylor had pulled away from me. What was this? I missed her so much, and whenever she was around me, I instantly felt happy! And now I was on my own again.

But then suddenly, there was a loud knock at the door. My heart beating rapidly, I ran to the door and pulled it open. She slammed her lips onto mine, her hands instantly getting lost in my hair. Slightly shocked, I placed one hand on her waist and one hand on the small of her back, pulling her closer to me. The kiss was long and passionate. Breathing heavily, I stepped back from her and opened my eyes. And then my heart really started beating rapidly. She smiled sweetly at me - the smile that had first caused me to fall in love with her. But that was a long time ago. It was Molly.  

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