Chapter 25 - Favour

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Thomas' P.O.V.
Yet again, I was out in the field today. The newspaper was currently doing a story on the London Fashion week, which meant that I was now stood awkwardly amongst a large crowd of photographers and interviewers, all of whom were trying to catch a glimpse of the models on the catwalk. Groaning, I sat with my back pushed up against the wall as another group of girls posed for the cameras. Seriously, what is the point? All they're doing is modelling for a number of brand names. It's pointless.

"You alright, mate?" Dylan grinned as he sat beside me with two coffee cups in his hands, "You look like somebody just died!"

"Yeah, I'm just bored that's all!" I sighed and accepted the coffee that Dylan handed to me.

"What the hell is wrong with you?" Dylan exclaimed tirelessly, "You've got fifty or so hot girls parading literally in front of you, and you're bored?" I just shrugged.

"You know this isn't my kind of thing," I replied, taking a sip at my coffee. I looked over to Dylan, who was now smirking at me with his eyebrows raised.

"I'll bet you would be interested if it was Taylor?" My eyes widened with shock and I began choking on my drink. Dylan burst into laughter (thankfully the music was too loud for anyone else to hear).

"Oh come off it!" I hit his arm, "And no I wouldn't!"

"Mm hm, you just keep telling yourself that," Dylan smirked again, and then picked up his camera, "Right then, I have got some work to do!" Winking at me, he took off into the crowd of people and headed for the catwalk. Flashes blinded my eyes as my vision followed him, and I was forced to look down to keep myself from going blind!

Looking down into my lap, my thoughts fell onto Taylor. I was worried about her. Last week, when I had seen her with her contact lenses in, it was like she was a different person. Her eyes kept twitching every now and then, and I could tell she was finding them uncomfortable. And then when I had seen those tears in her eyes; something had happened that day, and she wasn't telling me. I didn't believe for one second that her glasses had simply broke, and I was curious and worried as to what was wrong. Shaking my head, I reached for my phone and dialled her number. I listened as the phone rang and rang and rang. A minute passed, and the ringing hadn't stopped. Confused, I hung up and looked down at my phone, almost willing it with my mind to ring. And just like magic, my phone vibrated to life. But it wasn't Taylor. It was my sister.


"Hey Thomas, it's Ava!" She said cheerily down the phone.

"Hey Ava, what's up?"

"Well, I actually have a favour to ask of you," Oh God. What now?

"Yeah?" I asked slowly.

"Would there be any possibility that you could babysit tonight? Theo and I are going out to Kent for the night, and we need someone to look after the kids. I've asked mum, but she's home sick."

"Yeah sure, no problem!" I grinned at the thought of it. I loved my niece and nephew, Hannah and Ben. Although, as soon as I'd accepted, regret suddenly grew inside of me. I've never babysat two toddlers before, and I had the slightest suspicion that something would go wrong. Hannah and Ben could be right little troublemakers sometimes, and I don't know if I'd be able to handle them.

"Thomas? Thomas you there?" Ava was calling my name repeatedly down the phone.

"Oh sorry, Ava! I was um, just lost in my thoughts!"

"Okay..." She sounded unconvinced, "Well thank you so much, you are literally a life saver!"

"Anytime," I smiled, "So, when should I come over?"

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