Chapter 33 - Bye

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Taylor's P.O.V.
"Morning," I said absentmindedly as I passed Molly. She was stood on her tip toes by the side of the lake, her arm outstretched towards the water.

"Mm hm," Was the only reply I got. Rolling my eyes, I turned my back to her and started packing up the bits around the camp fire.

"Hey," I looked up from packing up my rucksack, and saw Thomas sit down on the log in front of me. His hair was messed up, all over his head like a tangle of vines or something. But he did look drop dead handsome, with his rugged appearance.

"Oh, hey," I blushed, well aware of the fact that I had been staring. He just smirked at me like usual.

"Feeling alright today?" He asked, "Not sad about going home?" I looked round at Molly, who was pacing up and down by the river.

"I can honestly say, that I cannot wait to be back home!" We both laughed.

"Oh I don't know," Thomas smiled, "I'll miss parts of it," I smirked at him, before shaking my head and returning to packing up.

"Ugh," Molly groaned from behind me, and I turned around.

"What's wrong with you?" I laughed, "And what the hell are you doing?"

"Duh? Trying to get reception!" She sounded exasperated, "If, I could, just reach-"

"Molly wait!" I yelled out, but I was too late. Molly had leant too far over the edge of the lake, and with flying arms and the loudest scream I think I have ever heard in my life, Molly fell with a splash into the lake.

"Oh my god!" I jumped up and ran for the lake, with Thomas at my heels. When we arrived at the water, Molly was splashing water everywhere, screaming that she was going to drown. But I couldn't help it. I burst into a fit of laughter and placed my hands on my knees.

"Thomas, help me!" She screamed from the water. But both Thomas and I were bending over, laughing hard.

"Oh Molly!" Thomas howled, reaching down to give her his hand, "You idiot!"

"Just shut it and help me out!" She growled, letting Thomas pull her out, "And don't you start, Taylor." I was still laughing, now on the floor, rolling on my back.

"Okay, okay, okay," I sighed, letting out one last laugh before Thomas picked me up, "Right. Packing."

Whilst Molly spent ages looking for some clothes to change into, and insisted on blow drying her hair, Thomas and I headed for the shower block. Despite it being February, today was very warm, and after having taken down the tent and put things away in the car, we were quite hot and sweaty. However, when we reached the shower block for the camp site, there was only one shower left (don't ask why they didn't have separate showers for men and women, but they were, in their own little cubicle things anyways, so you could get changed in too). I looked across at Thomas, and he looked at me. In a split second, we both raced for the shower. Of course, I got there first, seeing as I'm quicker than Thomas, but he was stronger. He grabbed me round my waist and pulled me towards him. I screamed out slightly as Thomas suddenly let go of me and ran ahead into the shower, closing the door behind him.

"Thomas, you've got five seconds to come out of there!" I banged on the door.

"With or without clothes," He asked, laughing.

"You know what? I'm good," I laughed, taking a seat on the opposite wall by the sinks. I could hear Thomas chuckle from the shower, before the sound of rushing water could be heard. Shaking my head, I sat patiently, when an idea suddenly sprung to mind. Quietly, I crept towards the tap that stuck out of the wall by Thomas' shower. With a quick turn of the handle, I let the cold water flow into the drain on the floor.

"BLOODY HELL!" Thomas screamed from the shower. I burst into laughter and tears streamed down my face.

"TAYLOR TURN THAT BLOODY TAP OFF RIGHT NOW!" He yelled, "THE WATER HAS GONE FREEZING!" Howling with laughter, I turned off the tap. I heard Thomas sigh with relief.

"Just you wait till I get out there!" He warned, "I'll get you back!"'

"Good luck with that Sangster!" I cried. About ten minutes later, when Thomas came out in his clothes with dripping wet hair, he gave me the funniest glare ever. Flashing him a sweet, toothy grin, I hopped into the shower. Thankfully, Thomas didn't turn on the tap from outside, and I actually managed to have a peaceful shower. Thomas wasn't there when I got out, and I later found him loading the car up with Molly.

The journey back was quiet. I slept most of the way, although I distantly caught a few snippets of conversation here and there, but not enough to make any sense. When Thomas dropped Molly off at her place, and got out to get her bags for her, I pressed my head to the window and closed my eyes. I listened to the quiet music playing in the background, and the next thing I knew, I was being shook awake by Thomas.

"Taylor? Taylor?" He whispered softly, gently shaking my arm. When all I did was let out a small groan from my 'sleep', I heard him quietly laugh before wrapping one arm around my waist and the other under my legs. I kept silent, and pretended to be asleep as Thomas closed the car door behind him with his foot, and headed towards our apartment. Moments later, Thomas gently laid me down on my soft mattress and brought my duvet up to my chin.

"Night, love," He smiled, bending down and kissing me on the forehead. A small smile formed on my lips and he chuckled.

"Night, Thomas!"  

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