(Chapter 6) She does care.

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Elsa's pov

"Get well soon, sir." I said. He may seem weird, but he's probably shy or nervous, and in the inside he's probably a nice guy.

I motioned for the kids to follow me, and I asked permision to go to another room from Mr. Frost, since his wife is crying for his son.

I still wonder where, Mr. Frost's mother went, I haven't seen her in a few hours, now. Then,
I went out of the Jack's room with the children. I tryed to make them forget about their worries, they're just children, after all. Children aren't suppose to see these kinds of thing!

Good thing, I made them laugh, because I coudn't stand to see them frown some more. I should really talk to Mr. Frost about where his mother went.

Flynn/Eugene's pov

I wonder, where that girl went, we got to ask a favor. Stupid, Hiccup not telling me her name.

The favor, was that, she'll take care of Jack, until he's fever is gone. We're asking her, because Jack seem to want her so badly.

Hiccup said, that she was nice girl. There's a chance that she'll say 'yes'. But if she doesn't she'll have to suffer my killer smolder. No girl has said no to the smolder before.

I look at Jack's father who was comforting his wife.

"Okay, Hiccup go ask him, where that girl went." I whispered to him.

"What why me? I don't want to ruin the moment. You do it your self." He whispered back.

I look at Kristoff, then he just back away from me putting his hands up, and shaking his head. I groan in defeat, why do I have to disturb everything, when it comes to their parents?

I was hesitating even through, I was one of Jack's friend, they'll still be mad if any one hurt, their children or ruin the moment. After a few minutes i finally gained the courage to talk to them.

"M-Mr. Frost,Sir. Can I mean w-we talk to y-you for a moment." I said while stuttering, I hated talking to there parents they may seem nice, but they have a bad side.

Mr. Frost looked (more like glared) at me then fake cough.

"Okay what do you and your friends need?" He asked, politely but in the inside he's in rage, but Itt did help me talk, when he's talking more non menacing, and without the dark auro.

"Well, we were wondering, where that girl has gone to Mr. Frost. We just want to ask a small favor from her that's all." Kristoff said with a little fear in his voice, but he stayed calm. I always wonder, how does he do that.

"Oh, she went in the nursery with the children." He said. Thank God, that he din't lose his temper, because if he did will be dead! We thanked him, and ran out of the room to the nursery, before he loses his temper.

We went in there and slamed the door with are back on the wall,panting.

"Oh, hi Hiccup is there something you need?" A very kind voice spoke.

"Yes. Elsa, me, and my friends are just here asking a favor from you." Hiccup said. So her name is Elsa?

"Well it defends on the favor. What kind of favor is it anyway?" She asked, putting the tray of tea party set on a small table.

"Well, as you know Jack is sick, and we want you to take care of him until he's better." Kristoff said explaining it to her.

"Hmm let me think... Nope." She said popping the p.

What, she said that Kristoff, and Hiccup's face fell.

"Well, I don't want to do this, but you leave me with no chose, here comes the smolder." As I said that, they all gave me a confused look.

I did the smoulder, but it only caused them laugh really hard. The children even laugh with them, when they saw my faces. They started to calm down,but they were still smiling at me weirdly.

"I was just kidding guys. Of coures, I'll help you." She said still smiling.

"Thank you Elsa." Hiccup said.

"I will help you guys out tommorow, cause I still have the children to take care of. So tommorow?" She asked.

"We understand." Kristoff said.

Then we heard a ringing sound coming from her bag.

"I'm so sorry I'll just answer that. Excuse me." She said. We just nod. We lied, we weren't just gonna stand there, and wait for her.

Good thing; she put it on speaker. "Elsa you there. Were sorry, If we interupted you. But we have a surprize for you, when you get home." The voice sounded like a guy.

"Oh, come on Oliver. Stop with the games, I'm really curious!" She whined with a small smile plastered on her face.

"Sorry Els, but we think you'll like it, when you see it face to face." There was a second voice but it sounded a bit louder then the other voice.

"But guys-" she was cut off by a new voice.

"Ah ah ah. No buts or no chocolate, and surprize." said a new voice, that has a bit deeper tone, then the other voices, and seems a lot older. She groaned.

"Fine I'll see it later bye love you." She said. "Love you, too." They all said in unison.

When the call ended, we were curious on who she was talking to, but we could not ask her about it though, because If we ask, she'll find out we were listening to her little conversation. Then, she'll probably change her mind.

This Elsa is hiding something, and she seem to not want people to know about her little secret. And no one can get that kind of phone for a poor person.

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