(Chapter 33) Bad day for Jack

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In the kitchen

Elsa's pov

It's been a week now, and the tutoriel is going just fine. Emma is really good in keeping her balance, and Jamie came in having fun in the ice, but Jack is acting a bit strange around Elson, and Elson doesen't even notice it.

Jack is really quiet, and rude around Elson, and he keeps giving him weird looks, it's kinda disturbing me now.

"Hey,something wrong?" Elson asked.

"Yeah,I'm just thinking about Jack he's acting quite strange since you came along." I said.

"Oh,he was a different kind of guy before?" He said which made me hit him on the shoulder playfully which just caused him to laugh.

"Come on,Elson! You can't judge the guy he's a nice person to you know?" I asked.

"I know and I was just joking." He said.

"And why are you here aren't you suppose to teach the kid?" I asked, looking at him.

"The kid is resting, and I have nothing to do, so I'm just gonna fool around with you." He said.

"That doesen't explain the butler's outfit." I said, why is he even wearing one he doesen't even work here.

"I asked your boss since well, I told myself we have the same face why not the same outfit?" He explained, which made me roll my eyes, and smilling at him.
"Then you should of weared a dress like the old days." I said smilling at him and he just pinched one of my cheeks.

"Don't remind me of that, I had to wear a dress, because of you being late for the show you were lucky, I wasn't half in my puberty or else you would have been on your own." He said.

"I din't know, we had the same body type when we were young, no wonder you always wore giant sweaters, and hoodies around." I said giggling at the memory.

"It's really nice to have you back, Elson." I said smilling at him widely.

"It's nice to see you again,Elsa." He said smilling back at me.

Jack's pov

I was near the kitchen door, I was listening to their conversation. I din't mean to listen to their little talk, but I just heared them and was about to leave, but my curiousity got the better of me but I guess it was just a bad idea to listen to them.
Listening to them just made the pain worst. I don't get it, why I was so attracted to her in the first place. At first, I was mad, and planed her to quit, so I could be the only one to take care of my siblings, but then I had to be attracted torwards her.

After their last words to eachother, I left and got to the living room, where my family is. As I got there, I opened the door, and sat on the couch next to Emma.

"Oh,hey Jack how are you?" Emma asked with a smile looking at me.

"I'm just fine,thanks for asking." I said running my hand through my hair.

"Doesen't seem like it though." She said. "Now tell me what's wrong?" She asked with a serious look on her face.

"Yeah, Jackie boy what's wrong you look broken hearted?" Bunny asked coming in our small conversation which made me roll my eyes at him.

"Shut up would you, I'm fine alright so just drop it." I said looking away from them.

"Well,if you say so." Emma said.

"Are you sure it's not because you're jealous of that Elson guy for hanging with your so called 'maid'." Bunny said in a teasing manner.

This day just get's better and better each time I go near someone that's in this house. "I'm not jealous and I don't have a crush on her, and Were not dating,okay?" I asked if he understand.

"Doesen't look like it." He said.

"Now,now Bunny don't start a fight now let's just watch what happens let faith control what will happen." North said.

"Does that mean your with Bunny aren't you?" I asked.

"Yes, and so is Tooth and Sandy here." He said pointing at Tooth, and Sandy.

"And you guys call yourselves my family." I whispered to myself crossing my arms.

"Come on, Jack. I'm just here to watch the beautiful love triangle,  but I would want Elsa to be a boy, when I first saw her teeth, but I guess there's already a boy replica of her, but I think he's intrested in someone else." Tooth said with her dreaming smile when she day dreams about stuffs.

I looked at Bunny who looks annoyed with something, I already know he has a crush on Tooth years ago as I met the guy he thought I was her boyfriend.

"But really Elsa, and Elson are really cute they streak me with the twin or couple thing, but faith is gonna tell us soon enough!" Tooth said with a dreamy look on her face.

I sighed. "Come on, Jack the boy is not that bad, he's actually pretty cold, but he's still a nice guy." North said trying to comfort me but it's not working and my hatered towards the guy is not helping either.

"I'm not mad or jealous about him,alright? I'm just having a bad day." I said, not sure about the excuse but I think it will work.

"You mean you were having a bad day for the past week?" Tooth asked with a concern look.

"Yeah,real nice excuse there,buddy." Bunny said sarcastically.

"Thank you very much,Kangaroo." I said playing along.

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