(Chapter 10) You're so weird

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Jack's pov

"What?!" I can't believe they ask her that,they know i can't even stay with her in the same room for longer then a few minutes! "Are you deif now." Flynn said sarcasticly,i glared at him. "How can you guys asked her that? You guys know i can't even be in the same room with her." I shouted,usually i was always had a low temper but what they asked her is horrible to do.

"Jack were doing you a favor here,I mean you can get to know her better and know her name." Hiccup said trying to calm me down,"Jack he's right,you don't know she might knock on that door any moment now,so you got to calm down if you don't you might scare her or you're fever will just go worst." Kristoff said.

Then they kept blabing their little lecture to me after a few moments of lecturing I stoped listening. After a few minutes i felt bored and almost fell asleep but when i was about to close my eyes they said they we're now finish.

Then we heard a knock on the door Kristoff went to see who it is,"Oh right on time,Elsa." I heard Kristoff said opening the door slightly.

"Well it is my job." I heard a feminine voice and looked at the door again. "Well,he's in bed resting will leave you two alone so you can take good care of him." Kristoff i heard him said while motioned Flynn and Hiccup to follow him.

They left without me. I can't believe it why did they left me alone with her? And they call them selves friends of mine,she just looked at me and sat beside me on the bed. It was silent for a while now but she broked the silents between

"Are you feeling any better,sir?" She asked,"I'm feeling a little better then yesterday." I said to her,"That's a relief." She said to herself does she care about me? No,no,no what are you thinking,she's a maid their suppose to do that!

"Why do you even care about me you don't even know me very well?" I asked,when i asked that she gave me a stern look. "Not because i don't know you dosn't mean i can't care for the sick,right? I always cared for everyone so i guess that's why." She said.

"Aren't you suppose to get my siblings ready?" I asked wanting her to leave the room it's not like i don't like talking to her... It's just complicated,okay?

She giggled,"I already did that and there on there way to school and you're parents said they were off to work and good bye to you." She said with a smile. How did she know i was gonna ask about my parents?

I was gonna ask her how she knew but my stomach grumbled it made me so embarress that i put my head down. I regreted not eating breakfast earlyer. She giggled,"Someone din't eat breakfast,huh?" She asked,i just nodded still blushing.

"Okay i'll be back in a few minutes,okay i'll be back." She said,she stood up from the bed and went out the room.

A few minutes later

She came back with a tray with bacon,eggs,freach toast,a bowl of soup and a glass of water,she sat down again in my bed and put it on her lap and took the spoon and fork wait is she gonna feed me or something?

She put the spoonful of bacon and eggs infront of my face,"What are you doing?" I ask while putting my hands infront of the spoon blocking it. "What do you think I'm doing feeding you." She said,"I'm not a baby anymore,okay?" I asked still trying to block it,she started laughing while i was just confused. "You act like this never happened to you before." She said stopped laughing as I was only silent.

"Oh come on just let me feed you just this once,please?" She said begging with puppy dog eyes i tryed to look away but i just couden't i finally gave in,"Fine!" I groaned while she smiled.

After she fed me she looked at my tempreture and she said i need to take a bath and stood up from my bed and streached my arms and legs,when i was about to go to the bath room Elsa kept following me.

"Why are you following me?" I asked her and she just stared blink at me don't tell me she's gonna. "No way,no way you are not gonna help me take a bath!" I shouted at her,"I have too your parents said so." She said,my parents actually asked her to do that,that's crazy!

"You don't have to do this." I said putting my hand infront of her face when i was gonna enter the bathroom. "Wait!" I heard shout and grab my hand,i look at her. "I insist. I have three older brothers and i took a bath with them when i was young." She said but i still wasn't convinces.

I sigh "I don't have a choice, do i?" I ask,she nodded at me still holding my hand. Then she followed me in the bath room but i made her turn around when i was taking off my clothes and putting on my clothes.

A few weird duties later

"Okay i personaly don't believe you that my parent telling you to do these things." I said to her,while laying down on my bed,"I understand,but i can prove it. "She said and grab her to bag and giving me tape recorder.

"I recorded everything your parents said that i should do." She said,i push the play button and every thing she done was being said by my parents.

She laugh,"Do you act like that when you meet new people?" She suddenly ask. "What are you talking about?" I asked,"Well i realized how you act diffirent towards your friends and family." She said,"Yeah so?" I said lying this was the first time i acted diffirent towards a girl.

She giggled,"You're so weird." That made me embarrased. "Come on go to sleep the children will be here and i have to help them with their homework." She said,"Sweet dreams,sir." Then i dreep off to dreamland.

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