(Chapter 13) Work with my two siblings

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Elsa's pov

"What?!" Merida and Punzie shouted with shock expressions,"Elsa you've got to be kidding!" Merida shouted,"Guys,you can come with me tommorow,okay?" I said trying to calm them down,"It's just i haven't spend time with her,just for one day and you two could come tommorow." I said

"Fine,but only for one day." Punzie said with a strike tone,like i was the child and she was the mother scolding me,I chuckle,"Yes,mom." I said with a smile. "I'll go get An-" I was cut-off by a familiar voice,"Wait,I'm coming,Els!" We tilted our heads at the stair case,to see a Anna cake with make-up i chuckled at her face.

"What happened?" I said with a smile in my face,i tryed to hide my laughter with a smile,though a giggle escape my mouth,Anna glared at me,"Hahaha! Very funny." She said crossing her arms together,"But is it really that bad?" She asked me,i was about to answer but Marshall came in with his car keys,"Are you two ready yet?" He said,we all look at him but when he saw Anna he stop walking and stayed at his position.

He started laughing like crazy,he was even using his knees for support,"It is that bad isn't it?" Anna said looking down hiding her face,"No,it's not it's cute." Marshall stop laughing,walking over to Anna scoping Anna's chin,"He's right you look like a doll." I said,Anna always wanted to look like those cute dolls,"But we like your true face bettee." I said,talking a hangkerchife and cleaning up her face from the make-up.

She hugs us both,"I love you,guys!" She shouted,"Okay enough of the drama we aren't in a novel,you guys can leave now." Merida said pushing us out the door,"Wait!" I heard a voice i look at the stairs and saw my little 12 years old little brother,Olaf.

He came running down the stairs,"Can i come too?" Olaf asked us with puppy dog eyes,"Of course you can!" I said with a smile,even though he doesen't do a puppy dog faces i could never say no to him. "Come on,before I'm late!" I shouted,exiting the mansion,i heard some goodbyes and I saw some wave from them looking at them.

A few minutes later.

"Are we there,yet?" Olaf askef for the hundered time even through he was annoying at times,i could never stay mad at him,"Yes were here." I said sweetly,"Yay!" Olaf celebrated,while Anna sigh in relief,we said good bye to Marshall and went in the mansion.

"Ahh,Elsa you're back and you have company!" Mrs. Frost said cheerfully,"Mrs. Frost I'd like you to meet my younger siblings Anna and Olaf." I said introducing them pointing at them while saying their names,"Ohh he's so cute! What age is he?" Mrs. Frost said squiling,"He's twelve." I answered,"And he's still cute!" She said kneeling down to Olaf size.

"Hi I'm Olaf and i like warm hugs!" Olaf said giving a hug to Mrs. Frost,"Ahh he's sweet and charming!" Mrs. Frost Squiling with joy,"Ahh,Elsa your here." Mr. Frost said entering the room,"Oh Henry! You've got to see this child he's so cute and sweet,Mr. Frost walk to his wife and my little brother,"What is it,Emily?" He asked,looking at my brother,"Isn't he adorable?" Mrs. Frost ask,Me and Anna look at each other and look at them weirdly.

"Umm,okay will leave you three alone together will come back later,okay? Bye!" I said pulling Anna out of the room,we were panting,"Is your boss's wife really like that?" Anna asked me,"Don't look at me like that I know she was a kind person,but i din't know that she like cute things and I only worked here for two." I said looking at her.

Anna's pov

Why did i agree to come with her to work again? Oh yeah i wanted to spend sometime with her,i hope this won't get more weirder,but i feel like i should have said no to her.

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