(Chapter 40) The wedding

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A few hours later
Elsa's pov

He's been there for awhile. I think, he's probably already alright. I was about to leave for home in a couple of hours, he hasn't left his room, just yet.

But at one point, I got curious on what he's been doing in there. And It was also almost, dinner, so I thought I might as well check on him.

I knocked the door as I patiently waited for him to open the door, but a few seconds pass by, no responce. I knocked, again, a bit harder, and louder this time.... still no responce.

"Hey, It's me, Elsa!" I yelled, yet still no responce. "I'm coming in, okay?" I said, before trying to open the door, It was lock. I took the spare key from the hidden pocket on the apron, then unlocked it. I opened the door, and took a peek inside, the room, I walked inside as I walked torwards the bed. "Jack?" I asked as I saw a lump on the bed covers. I grabbed the sheets to see a bunch of pillows.

The door to the bathroom opened, but then slammed closed. Guess, he was taking a bath.

I walked over to wall. I knocked, softly on the door.

"Jack? Do want anything for dinner?" I asked as I put my ear on the door as I waited for an answer.

"I'm fine with anything!" He yelled. "Um, could you get out of my room? I gotta change."

I was confused at first, since I've already seen him half naked. I shrugged it off, since he's probably just uncomfortable, when people are there. I left the room, without another word.

Later that day

"Sweetie, there's a wedding tommorow, could you tell your sister about it?" My mom asked as I was being taught the piano by my brother.

"Could someone else tell her this? I'm a bit busy here." I asked, I really wanted to finish my lessons, and I don't want these lessons being held in more hours.

"Yes, but I have some things to do, so could you please tell your sister." It clearly wasn't a request, I knew it. My mother was nice, but she could be very strict at times, at most times It was when she was stressed. Her messed up hair, wrinkled clothes, and bags under his eyes. It wasn't rare, when she was like this.

I stood up from the piano chair, leaving the room to go to Anna's room. Once I got there, I knocked on the door.

"Anna! You there?" I yelled.

"Y-Yes." She stuttered out, It sounded, like she was sobbing.

"Anna, are you alright?" I asked, worried.

"Yes, I'm fine." She responded, almost normally. I tryed to open the door, It was locked. I cursed to myself for not bringing the spare key for the door with me.

"Anna, could you open the door?"

"I told you, I'm fine!" She yelled, which silences me, but her tone of voice softened. "Just please leave alone."

I was hesistant on just leaving her, but I knew. If I kept questioning her, calling out for her. I know, she'll never answer me. She has been stubborn, since we were children.

So, this is how she felt, when I rejected all the time.

I walked away back to my piano lessons, deciding to just tell her about the wedding later or maybe tommorow.

My parents knew the Frost family, so they probably told them about the wedding we were suppose to attend. I was quite shy to tell them about the marriage, that is suppose to take places, that I had to ask my mother or father do tell them theirselves.

The next day
Jack's pov

My mother said, Elsa was sick, so she coudn't come to work. I was pretty suspicious at that, she was fine just yesterday. So, why is she sick? Though, I din't question my mother further.

I walked in the car as I waited for my family. When they came in, we emmediatly left, since the traffic might get to us. When we arrive, we took our seats with our family's friends, which was Flynn, Kristoff, and Hiccup's families.

While the ceremony was going on, I notice a platinum blonde with her hair in a complicated looking bun.

When the bride was about to throw the flower bouquet, she threw it a little to hard, that It went fast the girls, that were trying to catch the bouquet. One woman even fell to the floor as a failed attempt on trying to catch the bouquet.

I din't know, where it first landed, since I just really wanted to eat some food right now.

But as I was day dreaming about food, something hit me behind the head. I turned around to see the bouquet of flowers, that the bride sent flying away from the other women on the floor. I picked it up, before anyone realize or notice, I threw it away.

I followed the flowers on where It's gonna land. It landed on a boy, that looked about my age. He blinked a few moment, before smiling, and smelling the silk flowers. Doesn't this guy realize, that it was fake or is he gay or something? Don't know.

The flowers were then took by a taller guy next from him, and thrown away. The guy that threw the flowers away, then whispered something to the guy, while another guy came in ans started comforting, and looks like he was scolding the other guy, that threw the flowers. I looked at the one, who got flowers.

It was a girl, that looked like she din't bother on trying to get the bouquet. She sighed, and played with the flowers.

She looked, like Elsa, but with some blue streaks on her hair and black eyes. She then looked at me, which caused me to look away to my friends.

After awhile of talking, I caught a garterbelts. Why do I keep getting these stuffs from the couple?! I caught the flowers, now the gaterbelt, what's next? A free flight to a different state?
Actually, that sounds great. Please, someone give me that.

I turned back to the girl, holding the bouquet of flowers she 'caught'.

This is pretty much only for fun.

I looked back at the garterbelt, that my friends were teasing me about.

Do I really need to put this on her?


I'am very sorry for all the late updates, It's just that I cringe at my own work! Why do I cringe? This is my first! Yeah, and I was a noob at writting at the time, but why do I gotta suck?

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