(Chapter 14) Anna has a big mouth

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Elsa's pov

"Elsa this isn't gonna get weirder is it?" Anna asked,"I don't know,i just got the job in just two days i can't just know them that fast!" I said,but..."But theres their son that acts weird that fainted when i met him,is that weird enough?" I asked she gasp at me,"Elsa did he have a nose bleed?" Anna ask concern,i was now suspecious,why would she ask such ridiculous question?

"What are you pointing at Anna? You know i don't like it when you pair me with someone i barely know." I look at her with the 'i know what your thinking,so don't even think about it' look which made anybody spine shiver,Anna looked at me shock and started shuttering,"What a-are you talking about,I'm not thinking what your thinking about! I was j-just asking thats all! Why would you j-judge your own sister!" She said fast and then laugh nervously.

I heard enough,all she said was lies,that nevous laugh,sweaty face,shutering,she was a horrible liar. "Oh,um never mind! Don't answer that at all,I'll just look around and give myself a tour!" She said then dashing off, I sighed when will she find out that she can't always run away from her responsibelity.

Anna's pov

I put my back agaist the wall and slide down to the floor,panting,why am I so clumsy,this is the worst day of my life! I woke up late forgetting i have to go with my sister and forgetting i have a date with my boyfriend,i din't have breakfast,tripping on a pillow which i fallen on my make-up kit,being laugh at by my family (well atleast they cheared me up),Elsa gave me the cold shoulder and I'm lost now!

"Why is she so scary when she gives a person one of her looks." I asked myself,"I don't know. Now tell me why are you here?!" I heard someone shout at me,i look up to see three boys,one was a blonde and the other two have brunette hair one look smart the other one looks flirty,"Why are you here tell me now!" The blonde shouted again it was lower then the first one,I thought that the ones who live here already know Elsa was suppose to bring someone here?!

"I'm here with Elsa she told me that she already told everybody that she was gonna bring someone!" I shouted terrified and hiding my face,"But Elsa never told us that she has a sister,how come she din't tell us?" The flirty brunette said.

I heard them gasp then I looked at them in confusion. "Where did you get that?!" They asked in unison,i opened my eyes a bit and saw they were pointing to the bracelet Elsa and my brothers gave me,it was a flower that has beautiful gems in it,"You mean this? My brothers and Elsa gave it to me in my 15 birthday." I answered their question. "But Elsa's said she had no money!" The rude dirty blonde said,which made me annoyed,"My sister would not steal this we were born in the Arendelle family!" I shouted,they all gasp.

"The Arendelle family! As in the one of the most richest familys on earth?!" Hicca shouted,"Yeah that Arendelle so quit shouting at me!" I shouted at them,i wanted to laugh cause of their faces though but I need to keep my cool!

Hiccup's pov

I know she's rich but not that rich! Why would a girl that rich would want to work at a rich family's house,pretending to be a poor maid needing money if she's rich! She could be just begging from her parents for money and hanging out with her friends.

This girl has so much secret,i guess i have to comfront her with this new one.


Sorry i don't post lately on this chapter and that this chapter seems much more shorter then the other chapters,i know no jelsa in these few chapters but don't worry probably in the next chapter theres gonna a new shipper.

Hope you guys enjoy and have a great day!

Peace and love guys!

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