Kevin's P.O.V, Another Day

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Today started off very normally, like any other day. After getting ready and marking off my calendar,  I got a ride to school from my Aunt. We stopped to get some water on our way there at a small little store. The water was excellent and I knew I would be well dehydrated the entire day. 

Once I got to school I met up with Anne, and she was overjoyed. "Kevin, you are going to be 14 in two days," Anne yelled in my ear. I took a step back and looked around to see if any adult supervisor heard her yell. I wasn't too worried knowing that it was always loud and someone was bound to scream louder than Anne had. I remembered my birthday and was excited to have a birthday party at the town's water-park on Saturday. 

We hung out for the rest of the morning before our school day officially started, and separated from each other. I waved goodbye for the time being and walked into class, only to be surprised with my test grade. We had a test yesterday in science and I wasn't really prepared for it. I walked slowly to my desk, where the test was waiting for me. It was flipped over so no one else could see my answers. I was sure that Conner already had a peek, just to see if he was finally able to do better than me. I smiled to my teacher, who smiled back, and I finally reached my desk. Conner was smirking and looked quite confident in himself, that's when I got worried. I placed my book, laptop, and binder onto the desk and took my seat. I rolled closer to my desk and took a deep breath. 

The paper fell out of my hand and glided to the floor. I did not see my grades and I hoped it was still face down on the floor. I turned to reach for it but stopped, and glared down to the floor where my test lay. I was shocked, it was my lowest grade yet. "Why hadn't I been prepared?" I asked myself, pulling away from my test. I turned around and scooted back into my desk, sat up straight, put my hands together, and sat quietly. 

"What's wrong Kevin? Did you get a "bad grade". Poor baby, what will your mother say?" Conner said, laughing to himself after. After gathering himself, the teacher approached me, asking why I was not picking up my test. I looked over and said in a serious tone that must have scared him, "I will not accept such a low grade, I would like to have a retake right now, outside so I will not bother the class." He picked up the test and placed it on my desk and walked away. I wished he had taken me more seriously than he had. 

I looked down at my paper as class was beginning. "I am very disappointed in this class today. Grading these tests was so hard for me. How come so many of you failed?" The teacher asked sternly. The class stopped talking and grew depressingly silent. The majority of the class had sad and miserable look upon their faces, including me. "I am very sorry to disappoint you!" I said, placing my head down. The class snickered and glared at me for some reason. I was truthfully sorry towards my teacher, but no one understood my issues. 

"We only had two passing grades in this class. Good job Conner and Kevin." I looked back down at my test once the teacher finished. He gave us a moment to reflect on our tests. I looked down and scowled. There it was, just sitting there, taunting me. That stupid B+, why couldn't it have been an A. I slowly flipped the test open to the page where I had missed the three problems that cost me the A I had wanted. I looked over to Conner, who caught my attention. He was bragging to the desk beside us, which was full of his "friends". "Guys, you won't believe this!" He paused to turn, glare at me with a smirk on his face, and grabbed his test to show his friends, "I got an A, a better grade than Kevin. I got the best grade in the class." 

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