(Chapter 2) The boys

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Jackie's pov

"Are you guy alright you seem... Sick?" I asked them with a worried look on my face.

"Yeah were fine were just dizzy." Mario said scared, the others nodded. Something tells me, they know who that guy was they seem scared of him.

Rahphael's pov

Haha! They really came back for more, huh? I thought, those guys chickened out especially Marko. Their faces were priceless, I wanted to just laugh infront of their faces.

But I wonder who those girls were, heh, probably just their girlfriends. I gotta tell the gang about thisn it was kinda boring that our victims, were still the same person.

It wasn't really cool. I pulled out my phone, and scrolled at my list of numbers, after a few seconds, I found it. I push the name, and called, I waited for a few seconds, then he pick up.

"What's up Rahp did you find something intresting?" I heard Elson cold voice asked well Elson always did have a cold voice.

"Yeah, I found our old victims." I said.

"Mirror, what is Raph talking about?" I heard Andrew's voice, Elson probably put it on speaker.

"Andrew, you know that guy you were friends with when you weren't in the team." I said.

"Oh you meen those guys" Elson said empasizing 'those'.

"Oh, I remember them! But I can't remember their names through." Merduis said.

"Yeah, me too." Andy said.

"I do." I heard Elson said.

"Really, what are their names? Cause i don't remember them either just their faces." I asked.

"Their names are Marko, Aster, James, and Bianco." Elson calmly stated

"Oh and i almost forgot they were hanging out with girls." I said with a bored look even though they don't see me.

"Girls?!" They all shouted especially Andrew.

"Yeah. I saw them, when I finished my art in that ally way." I said emotionless.

"Rahp you explain everything at home, okay." Elson said, I replied with a hum as I closed my phone. Then started running to the mansion.

It felt like an order, even through it wasn't like that. Elson was very protective of us, when we were born.

Now, I'm running I hope he isn't worried about me, Elson, maybe reserved, but he is a kind guy, when it comes to us.

At The mansiom

"I finally made it!" I shouted while raising my arm in to the air and panting. I look at gate and thought i should climb it again,last time went horrible I'm sometimes jealous of Merduis he makes it look so easy.

Maybe, I shouldn't climb, I mean you only live once,right? I'm only 19 after all. I just went in the small door, thats kinda boring to me. After I went in the mansion.

I saw, my little sister Camillia, but I call her Camil, she has green hair and yellow eyes. She was wearing her green dress that has long sleeves, and a mini skirt, green flats she has diffirent colors dresses, but this was her favorite dress.

"Hey kiddo." I said rubbing her curly hair messing it up, She open her notebook, and started writting something.

'where have you been?' She wrote. She's mute, and her brother does the writting on the note book, too. It's his way of showing comfort to his little sister. I once tryed, but I ended up failing.

"I was just having some fun." I said, she just frowed at me. She thinks, I don't care of her anymore cause, I'm always gone with my cousins.

"I still care Camil, now just play with your cousins" I said comforting her, she just nodded, and smiled, running to the nursery.

Well, I better go see them, I went our room. I went in our room, and saw they were all sitting in the couch not doing anything they all look at me when i opened the door.

"Oh you're back Rahp." Merduis said.

"What did you guys want to talk about that was so important?" I asked.

"Sit down." Elson said, he sound dead serious, he was never like this, he's only like this when something wrong. I sat down next to Andrew

"It's about those girls, that you saw." He said calmly.

Elson never really cared for girls, but his sisters why is he intrested now.

"As you three know were getting marride in a two years and were meeting them tommorow." He said, great I already forgotten it, and he made me remember it, again.

I nodded in responce.

"Does those girls look familiar to you?" Elson asked as he looks at me. "No, they look new, and I've never seen them in my life." I said, rubbing my chin pretending to think.

"Sounds intresting. Andrew use your mirror, so we know what they look like." Merduis said to him.

"Right." He took out his mirror and look.

"Mirror, who is the fairest man in the land?" He asked which shock me.

"Andrew!" We shouted, and he started laughing.

''I'm just kidding." He said in between laughing. He stopped laughing after a few seconds.

"Quit fooling around, boy! You know exacly who he is." We heard a voice.

"Is that sas i hear? You're a boy not a girl, mirror!" Andrew shouted.

"Oh gosh, Elson, why did you leave me with your brother with awful breath!" It complained.

When it said that me and Merduis started laughing like crazy, while Elson was just chuckling.

"It's not my fault, that the girls i kiss have bad breath!" Andrew shouted back.

"Well, then what do you need from me now a new victim or somesort?" It said that mirror always crank us up.

"No, it's about the girls with are old victims, Rahp saw." Elson said, me, and Merduis finally recover from laughing, and we were now panting for air.

"Hmm. Intresting those girls are not in a relationship with them. But those boys have a crush on them." It said.

"Wow, things are getting more intresting, what else?" Merduis said.

"You four really want to know, huh?" He asked with a frown. We nodded eager to know.

"Okay, Andrew, just don't drop me." It said, why would Andrew drop him, when he will tell us everything, we have to know.

Andrew nodded.

"T-There yo-your." He said while stuttering, and the gulped.

"Our,what?" We said,we were now annoyed this is talking to long.

"Come on. We don't have all day just spill it!" Merduis shouted.

After a few second we were now glaring at it.

"T-They're your Fiancées." We widen our eyes in shock, they're our brides?!

Hey so your wondering who's this Camilia she is supposed to be pascal but i don't know any girl name about it so i decided to make Camilia/Camilian see they there almost the same.

Oh and when i said cousins i ment Olav and The triplets there gonna be genderbend too.

And I'm making an oc for Elson sisters ok I'm making three okay. Bye guys.

my heart wasn't like this before (jelsa) (genderbend)Where stories live. Discover now