(Chapter 16) They can't know

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"I have never seen you this curious, before you were always straight forward, and serious about these things." Mirror said with a cocky look, and tone, but I just ignore him.

"Yeah, what about the fall in love thing?" I asked, I could I find out myself, but that will take to long.

"But alas, I can't tell you until the time comes." The mirror said, great just my luck.

"Yeah, I guess I can wait." I said with a blank face then iheared a knock.

"Elson, we know you're in there!" Andrew shouted.

"We know, because you weren't in the closet!" Rahp then shouted.

"Yeah, even though we din't look in there, yet!" Andrew shouted.

"Andrew!" Mer, and Rahp shouted, which made me chuckle.

People would just whisper, behind my back about why I hang out with them, when I can be friends with much better friends, then them! Well, I grew up in a rich family, raised to be what dad calls 'perfect', and had to go to a popular school, why I din't befriend others? I have my reason, and If you're like me, you would understand, and you'll also feel the same way.

1. If you're rich, it's like a battle field in school rich people only comes in school to brag or show off or to see their crushes.

2. You would trustless people to be your friends, they only want gain popularity like the old saying of our family 'no one is to be trusted.'

3. Girls love boys, who got it all looks, riches, popularity, talents mostly looks or in short perfect. Which caused me to be the target of many girls, they call me the king of school, which was true to them.

4. Boys get jealous of you, and would try to ruin your reputation by trying to embarrass you in front of everyone, which never really works.

5. If you have it all, then expect a girl to ponce on you or if you're like us being chased down by girls, and If you're not a fast runner, then you're pretty much dead meat.

6. If we did befriend you'll just be beaten up by gangsters or die, because we risk our lives on everything.

There's more, but they're just plain creepy.

I stood up, mirror in my hand, I opened the door to see them not there anymore. I got out of the bathroom to see they were just sitting on couch looking at the door, Icame out we were just staring at eachother.

I just walked up to them, and sat on the couch, It was a moment of silences.

"Elson, what happened back there?" Andrew said, disturbed the akward silents.

"It's nothing." I said emotionless.

"Oh, and Andrew, I'm keeping the mirror. I don't want you three knowing, what happened in there." I calmly state.

"But Elson!" They shouted.

"No, buts!" I shouted, making them silent, I hen stood up, I'm not in the mood for this.

"My answer is no ,and that is finale! I don't want you three to look at what happened there, if you did at the wrong time, you'll look at me differently." I said, they just lowered there heads.

"I'm only doing this, because I care about you if you saw what happened you'll think, that I wanted to marry her." I stated. "But I'll tell you, when the time has come."

"We understand." They said, I just nodded. I went up the stairs, where our beds our I opened my chest, and took out a small chest, that fits the mirror i opened it.

I then look at the mirror one last time, then his face appeared in the mirror in panic.

"Wait! Elson, what are you doing?! If this is the punishment of why I din't tell." The Mirror panickly looked around for an escape.

"It's not that, they just can't know about it, I can't trust you not to tell them your to much of a blabber mouth." I said, placing him inside, and quickly locking it up.

"Don't worry, I'll take you out, when the time comes." I said, then closing the chest, and putting it back inside locking my chest, I then heared the door shut. Hmm, I guess they wanted to know so badly they want to clear their minds. Welp, that gives me time to calm down I got in to bed, and slept.

Merduis' pov

I wanted to get my mind clear, I can't just keep thinking about it. I was thinking of taking Angus for a walk or a ride it was walk or ride. But my thoughts were soon interrupted by a giggle of a girl at first, I thought it was just one of my sister.

"Stop it! It tickles!" The voice was so unfamiliar, I guess walk it is then.

I walked up to where the voice came from I saw a brunette girl being licked by my dog. I was just standing there in pure shock Angus never liked strangers, especially girls who were suppose to marry me, I rubbed my eyes to see if this was true or not, it is true.

They notice me standing there Angus barked, and ran up to me standing up, which made me chuckle. I pat his head, he was my only friend growing up he was a gift from my parents, when I was young.

Hicca's pov

I don't know why, but when I saw him there, I felt like my heart burst, what is this feeling? I stood up, and approached him a little

"So, thats your dog?" I asked as I leaned closer.

"Yes." He said plainly not looking up, I don't know, anymore. My heart is gonna burst out of my body, when he looked at me, then I ran.

Merduis' pov

I heared a fast heart beat, which wasn't mine or Angus, I looked at the girl her face was a bright shade of pink, she was cluthing her shirt, and just emmediatly ran away.

"Um, okay bye, I guess?" I said confused on why she just ran away. How weird usually the girl chased me not run away from me. I thought to myself.

"Oh, well atleast someone doesn't like me." I said, I forgot her name though.

What was it Haily? No wait I'm thinking about my sisters, again. Elinor? Why did I think about my mom at the time like this?! Oh, wait I think it's Hicca? Hmm, I guess thats her? I don't know anyone named Hicca.

"Then, since she ran away, I guess we're not inviting her as you wish." I said he was now giving me the face. "No, I'am not gonna chase after her, and even if I did, it will take for hours to even find her in this maze of house, the built!" I said, crossing my arms.

"Let's just go." I said, but first I had to go to our room, get my red hoodie, and his leash.


my heart wasn't like this before (jelsa) (genderbend)Where stories live. Discover now