(Chapter 27) Is it real or not?

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Jackie's pov

I was chasing after him, I couldn't see his figure, but I see his shadow. He's really a fast runner! That I gotta admit, though I'm not giving up, yet!

A few minutes later

I was panting, I couldn't run anymore, I put my hand on the spot where my heart was. It was beating so fast... just like the time when he... No! Come on, Jackie quit thinking stupid things.

I sighed in frustration as I take off the ponytail in my silvery hair that fell on my back. I look around.

"I lost the guy." I whispered in disappointment. "Well, this is one way to get lost in a giant mansion."

"Playing tag with a guy, that tired you to want to go back to bed, and the sleepless nights I get thinking about him aren't helping, either." I said as I started walking to find where my room is.

Elson's pov

I gasped for air as I lost the girl, that was once chasing me. She must be tired from chasing me around here like thatn

I look behind me to see if she's there. Nope! No, where near found.

"I got you!" I heared a feminine voice from behind me as I was hugged from the behind, which caused me to almost lost my balance. "Did you really think, that I'd give up just like that without trying to find you?" She asked sounding like a drunk person as her breath landed on my neck, which made me shiver for some reason.

"Hey, you alright?" She asked poking my crimson cheeks.

"The question is are you alright? You sound like a drunk woman." I asked, annoyed.

"No, I'm not." She said as she yawned.

"Hey, could you get off of me?" I asked, but I then heared a small snore from my back. I sighed, I was thinking of picking up, Olla today, but I guess I could be a bit late. I mean, they usually have make up classes, maybe these are like those days.

If not, then screw you!

I carried her on my back, and was walking to her room, some maids, and butlers saw me, but I guess they din't care that much.
After awhile we got to her room, I knocked at her door, and waited for a few moments, no one answered though so I decided to let myself in.

I looked around the room, and I just guessed, which one was hers, since I've never been in here before.

I would have thought on one point in my life, where my dad drags me here to see her, and take her somewhere, not carrying her to the room.

As I was going to the bed I heared growls from a dog, guess they sneaked in their pets or little friends.

I look to the direction to see two dogs, one was black as the night, and the other was brown. I put her down on her what I think her bed, I then put my hands up.

"It's alright, I'm not gonna hurt you." I whispered to them,and their growls went down a little as they got down under each in one bed.

I sighed in relief, and was about to leave, but I felt a thug on my jacket. I looked down at the figure on bed holding a piece of my jacket.

"Please, don't go." She begged still asleep in bed  and her grip on my jacket losened, and fell on her side of the bed. I pulled the sleeves of my jacket to reveal my watch,it was almost 3:30. I looked at her then to my watch, I sighed.

I took out my phone from my pocket, and texted my brother Andrew if he could go, pick up the children. I put it back inside my pocket. I just sat on that chair, beside her bed doing nothing, I was actually bored, and was just waiting for a reply or for her to wake up. After a while I fell asleep too.

Jackie's pov

I woke up the next day to see Flynn wearing a creeppy smiling at me, which kinda disturbed me a little.

"Come on, Flynn! Quit making that face! It's creeping me out!" I said as I sat up looking ather then the others looking for explanation.

"Sorry, Jackie, but it just that there was a boy here yesterday next to you, while you were sleeping, and Flynn just wants to tease you about it." Krista said reading a book, and what she said made me shock, and blush.

"And everything that happened." Hicca said as she was sketching something on her sketch pad, possible dragons again.

"Sooo?" Flynn asked and I played stupid.

"So, what?" I asked, acting like I don't know what she's talking about.

"Don't play dumb with me, Jackie! I know you, since we were in grades school, don't try to hide it so just tell us." Flynn said.

"Yeah, why don't you tell us? I'm a little curious about it." Hicca said not taking off her eyes on her sketch.

"Oh, come on! You too, Hicca?" I asked.

"So, are you gonna tell us or what?" Krista asked.

"Why are you, guys ganging up on me?!" I asked. "Me, and Krista are just curious, while Flynn wants to tease you more about it." Hicca said.

"Well, it is the truth, that I'm gonna tease you about it." Flynn confessed shrugging it off.

"I just want to know if you're in love with your fiancé." Krista said.

"W-What? Me? No way! I would never fall in love with the likes of that guy!" I said laughing nervously, and blushing. Now I just blew it up,they know and it's really obvious. They were staring at me with emotionless expressions on their faces then they looked at each other and nodded.

"Jackie, you're a horrible liar." Flynn said lying down on her bed.

"You don't have to say it, I know I'm a terrible liar." I said as I huffed, while crossing my arms.

"But really are you seriously in love with the guy or are you just joking with us?" Flynn asked. I widen my eyes, I haven't even thought of that. I'm not sure if my feelings for him are for real or just one of those school crushes thing, that won't last forever.

"You're not sure about it, huh?" Hicca asked, and I just nodded at her. "I guess only time will tell." She said.

"Hasn't time already tell?" Flynn asked looking up at Hicca, which got me confused.

"It's kinda cute, when you say the guy's name, when you're asleep." Flynn said, which made me widen my eyes in shock, and blush red.

"Shut up, Flynn!" I shouted, then throwing a pillow at her.

"Come on, I'm just teasing, but why are you taking this si seriously?" Flynn asked.

"I don't know, okay?" I said looking down to my mattress. "I don't know, what I'm felling right now, and I'm not if it's true or not, and for now could you just drop it?" I asked clutching my knees to my chest.

"Fine, but I'll be teasing you soon, but not now though."

"Thank you." I said. Jackie,what is wrong with you? This is not you, you shouldn't be acting like a love sick puppy. You don't want him or need him, besides he hates you, right?


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