(Chapter 14) To fall or not to fall

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Jackie's pov

"Um, guys. I think, I don't want to out smart a guy, that out smart a principal." I said still staring at the door.

"I agree with you, but you don't know if they're probably lying to us, let's make sure they're not lying with a simple prank." Krista said.

We were looking for those boys hiding a bucket of water behind our back, we saw them going inside one of the rooms, but they didn't fully shut the door, we stack ourselves, because the doors are pretty high, and long, we put the bucket up water we then hid from afar we waited for a few minutes, we saw Elson opening the door, the bucket was gonna fall on his head, but he dodged it.

We were shocked, he was on the otherside not a splash hit him we then walk away from the room.

"Atleast now we know they're were telling the truth." Hicca said, trying calm the atmospher, and looking down on the floor.

"You're right will probably ask someone about them, so we know a bit more about them." Krista said ,putting her hands inside her pocket.

"And we need to investigate that sweet sweet smell." I said sniffing, we followed the smell, and we stop from a door. I opened the door, and it was the kitchen.

''Excuse me, but I must ask why you four are doing here?" I heared an un-familiar masculine voice asked, we tilted our heads to where the voice came from.

We were shocked, It was Elson but I swore he was far away from here. Idin't know, why or how he got here so fast, but he looks more lively then the one, I saw before it can't be!

"You're Elson's twin brother?!" I shouted, pointing at him, he look at me oddly for a few moments

He then bursted in a fit of laughter we were confused, using the kitchen top infront of him for support, and is hitting it then the door slammed open behind us.

"What's going on here?!" Mrs. Iduna shouted, we turned around the guy was still laughing.

"Oh dear, why are you four doing here?" Mrs. Corona ask and they look behind us.

And why is he laughing?" Mrs. Dumbrough said pointing at him, and looking at him weirdly.

"Iduna!" He shouted which caused us to look behind us and look at the guy who was once laughing hardly.

"You never told me that this girl is Elson bride." He said pointing at me and he started laughing again.

"Was I suppose to feel offended or something?" I asked the girls.

"This girl is the complete opposite of Elson!" He said still laughing he started to calm down a little while we were staring at him.

"Now what do you need, dears?" Mrs. Arendellle asked us.

"Well, we smelled a delious aroma so we looked to where it came from." I said.

"Oh! We were just baking cookies do you want to taste?" Mrs. Corona asked, going next to the guy, who was calming down, but was still smiling sitting on a stool.

"Here you go." She gave us each a cookie, and we ate it.

"Thank you." We said, when we were finish munching, the cookie bowing our head, thank you.

"Oh, you're welcome dears." She said, giving us a warm smile, we smiled back, and look at the guy who was laughing once.

"And this is Blake our older brother." She said pointing at the guym

"Now Blake, why were you laughing really hard?" Mrs. Dumbrough ask him.

"That girl thought I was Iduna's child." She said pointing at me.

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