(Chapter 35) I have a problem

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Later that day
Jackie's pov

I wonder, how long it would take for them to stop staring at me, while I stare at my own food.

"Jacqueline, aren't you going to eat your food?" My mom asked with a questionable smile, and a dark aura surronding her. That would have sent me to eat my food, like I was in an eating tornament.... but with the 'feast' they practically forced me to eat, before leaving their place. Made me quite full.... and very akward with the embarrassing scene in the 'feast'.

It was already bad enough, that my parents scolded me about not coming home, before dinner. And now I was disobeying, and just staring at my food, like It was somekind of joke, that I'm not getting.

I got a whole lot of scolding from my parents that night. I said, It'll never happen, again. As I said, It never happened, again, but It kept on almost happening.

Because I coudn't stop coming to their place. Everyday, I find myself walking or riding there practically everyday, It felt, like I never left Norway at all.

I was annoyed at myself for practically forcing myself to get off of bed, and the 'reason' why I do it. I'm not sure, If that is the complete, and the biggest reason, why I got there in the first place. I don't get myself. I could be playing with my siblings.... but here I'am, again!

Standing in the door way of the Arendelle family's vacation home.

No, I can't be doing this! Why am I doing this in the first place? He can't be the reason, why I'm doing this? That's a stupid reason! God! This can't be freaking possible!

You know what? I'm not gonna knock, I'm gonna get out of this place, and go hang with my real family, and I'm not gonna see my damn Fiancé nor his nice family!

I turned around, and ran down on the small steps, and saw a little girl with black hair that looked wet, standing infront of me as she looked up at me with a wide grin with a platinum blonde haired guy standing beside her.

I stopped dead in my tracks.

"What are you doing?" The blonde guy asked with his eyes narrowed.

"Um, nothing. I was about to look for you, guys. Since no one answered, when I knocked." I said scratching my nape even though It wasn't even itchy. It was complete silent, they were both giving me suspicious looks. I know, I'm a terrible liar, but am I that horrible, that a kid would be suspicious of me, too?

"Okay!" Olla said, gleefully as she skipped fast me.

"You got the child to believe in you. Nice one." Elson said sarcastically as he got passed me as he ruffled my hair with his wet hands. They probably took a swim, before they came, and saw me. Maybe, I could make a break for it? "Hey! What are you waiting for? Come on in!"

Can he read minds now?! He was clearly going to wait for me, but maybe just maybe, I could run, and out run him! I took quick peek behind my back, he was staring at me with his arms crosed with him tapping his foot, his face was clearly saying;
Are you just gonna stand there or what?

Then I made a break for it. I dashed as fast as I can torwards the gate as fast as the sand would let me.

I turned around for a moment. He wasn't chasing me.


"So, you came back." Elson said in a monotone voice, and blank stare.

"Shut up." I said. Why din't he chase me? A voice in a part of mind asked.

"Not my fault, this is not some of those movies." He said, before he walked inside the house. "Besides, why would I chase you in the first place, when I have better things to do?"

Yeah.... he does have better things to do, then chase me to through the sunset. Hell, It's not even afternoon! Though, why did I even expect him to just run after me.

"What? You want a do over? If you want me to chase after you that badly, you could of just said so." I looked at him in shock.

"No, I'm fine. Thanks." I said walking pass him. He'll catch me in a few second, anyway. So, why even risk it?


What kind of problem do I have? Is it serious? Or is it just a thing that will go away soon? Or is it incurable?

But certainly there has to be a reason, why this is happening? Here I'am watching Norwegian movies with these two siblings in silence, a few laughs here, and there from Olla, but other then that, It was complete silent.... well, I could faintly hear, the sounds of crickets.

"Pause, the movie!" Olla suddenly yelled, which startelled me. The movie was emmediatly paused. "I'll go get some more popcorn, kay?" She said with a smile as she walked away.

Great, just what I need, alone with him in now complete, and utter silents! In the dark.... it's so painful.

"Why do you come here everyday, anyway?" Elson suddenly asked. "I thought, you'd come at least once or two a week."

"That's what I like to know." I exclaimed, but I don't really care If he knows or not.

"You have problems."

"I know."


"Why did she have to leave?!" Cellina whisper yelled in frustration. "It was going so well."

"Shhh! They're gonna find out we're here." Olivia whispered. "Besides, It was your idea to make her leave, she even had to drop the popcorn everywhere on the floor. Don't you know, how beautiful that ca-"

"Shush! No one wants to hear your rant about messing beautiful carpets. And you!" Cellina hissed as she pointed at their older sister. Which got her attension.

"Why are you so quiet all of a sudden?" Cellina asked with a suspicious look. "You're usually the one that scolds people, whenever people make a mess, not her."

"It's nothing." Snow simply answered as she shrugged her shoulders. "I was just thinking about something."

"Sounds, like you, but what?" Cellina asked as her attension was on her sister.


"What are you thinking about?" Cellina asked, while Olivia peeked, behind her sister's back as she nodded with eagerness, and intrest in her eyes.

"Yes, do tell." They all yelped at the new voice, that sneaked in their conversation.

They looked at their brother, that was leaning on the door frame with a blank stare, while his fiancée that was standing beside with a confused look.

"How long were you standing there?" Olivia asked.

"Hmm, a few seconds ago."

"Hey! What are you guys doing there? We still have a lot of movies to finished!" Olla said coming back from the kitchen with a new batch of popcorn.

I'am very sorry on not updating any of my current books for a long time. I've been lazy, and when I'm not, I'm usually reading books or writing other books. I also have writters blocks.

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