(Chapter 13) Uncle Blake and planning a war

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With Elson, And Andrew's Parents

"He is not staying in this house!" Adgar said, crossing his arms making a strict face.

"Well, too bad he's on his way." Iduna said smirking, when Edgar was gonna say something they heared a knock from the door. "Oh, it must be him!" Iduna said with delight walking to the door.

Iduna opened the door to see a man, that looks like Elson, but much more taller.

"Idun!" The man shouted hugging Iduna tightly.

"It's nice to see you too, Blake." Idun said, hugging back her brother, and he let go of the woman.

"So, how is Sapphire?" Idun ask making Blake shock.

"Idun, did you really call me to ask that? I could of sworn that you were serious on the phone call." Blake said, running his hand through his hair.

"Yes! Yes! It's because of that, now you can go home with your loving children, and wife." Adgar said patting, and pushing Blake outside.

"Wait, wait, it is something important!" Idun said raising one of her hands they both look at her confused. "We need your help." Idun which caught Blake's attension.

Jackie's pov

"Hey, guys! I have the most crazy idea ever!" Flynn said, we were all in our room, I was brushing my hair, while Hicca, and Krista played with there dogs.

"You always say that." I said rolling my eyes looking at her still brushing my hair.

But she just ignored me.

"Why don't we make them hate us so they'll call the marrige off?" She said it was risky through but it was intresting....but.

"Intresting, but they're probably just been forced." Hicca said scratching Toothless his tummy he was named like that, even though he has full set of teeth.

"True." Krista said.

"Well, there's nothing to do around here, but sleep, eat, and watch tv we're supposed to be active, not lazy." Flynn said standing up on her bed, like It was a flatform

"Sorry guys, but I agree on Flynn, but the way they dress is like they're professionals." I said rememberinh what they wear.

"Tch! They maybe professional, but your the queen of pranks you have never been prank before." Krista said.

"But maybe we should ask for permission to their sister so they would understand." Hicca said.

"You're right, they'll think of the wrong thing." I said.

Then we heared the door knock we all look at the door.

"Come in!" We shouted in unison, but Krista, and Hicca hid their dogs first, the door open to see three girls.

"Oh, we were just talking about you, guys." Hicca said

"Yes, and we wanted to ask something, if you don't mind?" Hicca said, looking at her hands.

"We don't mind ask away!" Olivia said sitting down on my bed.

"Well, you see we wanna play a joke on your brothers." Krista said then they all gasp in shock. I guess thats a no.

"Are you sure?" Olivia asked hand clasp together on her chest in shock, It's like they were scared.

"So your okay on us pranking them?!" Flynn ask not noticing that they are scared.

"Well, if you want too, but will give you guys a warning." Cillina said looking at Snow.

"Well, we wanted to tell you that your fiances were King, and princes of the school." Snow said so there popular, huh? That doesn't give us any reason to not prank them, but I wonder who's the King?

"Keep going." We all said nodded our head in curiousty.

"Well you should watch out." Cillina warned.

"Especially on Elson." Snow said is he the one I bump into? "You see, Elson was always the king of our school, and that no one can knock him out from his throne." Snow said which, caused me to roll my eyes can't the principal knock him down by kicking him out?

"Elson, has a very large reputation which cause him to have many nicknames, but thats other story." Olivia said.

"Elson was know to be the cold guy of our school, but also to out smart teachers, which caused him to cut classes being number one on everything." Snow said, I was shocked I can't even out smart my mom, let alone a teacher.

"But the principal can just expelled him right?" Hicca ask confused.

"That's the problem. Elson knows everything about everyone, the pricipal can't expell them, cause if he did then they'll lose every battle with other school, he even knows that Elson can outsmart him whenever he wants, and Ithink he has a crush on our aunt." Cillina said, which caused us to all gasp.

"But we understand if you still want to battle them with pranks we wish you good luck." Olivia said.

"Yes, and that's really all were here so good bye." Snow said, they all stoud up, and walk ot the room.


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