(Chapter 24) A person that I have never seen before

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Jackie's pov

I woke up and everything was a blur, but after a few moments my sight was fine again.

I sat up, and looked around the room it was blue with snowflakes, three more queen sizes beds, chests, and a flat screen T.V. It kinda looks like a spoild kid's room. I moved my leg to stand up, and look around the room, but I felt pain on my feet so I stopped still on the bed.

The door then openned to make a creaking sound.

I look to who it was, and it shock me as I see the person it was him holding a tray of food, but he wasn't wearing his jacket he always wears.

"Oh, so you're finally awake?" He said.

"Wait, what are you doing here, and where am I?!" I shouted pointing my index finger at him.

"I'm here, because of you, and this is my room, when I was a child." He said, coming near me, and sitting on the chair that was next to the bed.

"Are you gonna do something to me?" I asked, quietly.

"What do you think I'am?! A pervert or something?" He asked, annoyed.

"Pretty much." I mumbled, while nodding.

"I'm not, and I'm not gonna make a move on you unlike what you did to me." He mumbled the last part, but I managed to hear.

"Hey! What are you talking about you're the one that kissed me on the lips!" I shouted as I started flaring up.

"Don't remind me about that, that was not my intension." He said as he rolled his eyes.

"Then, what is your intension?" I asked, curious to hear it.

"My intension was to let you do what you want to me, until the wedding." He said, what was I even doing, before that kiss?! "But I just coudn't take it anymore, so I kissed you." He said.

"How is kissing me, even a good help for you even if you don't want to kiss me?!" I shouted.

"You don't know anything about this family at all." He said resting his head on his hand.

"Come on lift the covers." He ordered, It was clearly not a request as he stood
up going to the end of the bed with something.

"What do you mean?" I narrowed my eyes as I looked at him suspicious.

"Just do it so I can change the badage." He ordered.

"Huh?" I said in confusion, he then took the blanket that was on me, and put on the floor. I then felt pain.

"This woudn't hurt much, if you don't move." I don't know why, but I trusted him even though it hurted, I din't move as he said.

"Why are you being so nice to me, all of a sudden?" I tilted my head at him.

"Why would I tell you." He said, the niceness emmediatly got throw out the window, which made me mentally groan. The guy, that I first met is back.

"I'm just asking, I'm a strong independant woman, that don't need no man." I crossed my arms as him.

"Yeah, a strong independant woman that isn't smart enough to wear shoes, while walking." He sarcatically said, rolling his eyes. I then throwed a pillow at him, but he managed to dodged it.

"That's it! I take it all back you're not nice at all!" I shouted.

"I don't really care, what people think of me so keep telling yourself that." He stated sitting back on the chair, and putting a spoonfull of food infront of my face.

"What now? Are you gonna feed me?" I asked, looking at him surprized by his actions.

"I'm not letting medical tutors be useless to me." He stated as I let him feed me.


"What did I even step on, anyways?" I asked, after he was done feeding me.

"Glass shards from a vase, that my brother accidentally broke." He said as he started fixing the food on the tray. "I was suppose to clean it up, but I then saw you, when I got there."

"So, if your brother broke it, why are you the one gonna clean it, then?"

"I just don't want him to get in trouble." He said, which shocked me. This is the Elson, I have never seen before. "I already caused him enough problems from the start, when he went to high school." He said with a frown on his. "I never had time for him, I would be probably running or doing school work, but when I got the time for him I would always end up me running like a bullet."

"But when Andrew got a girlfriend, he was so happy, but the girl was in love with me." He said.

"I don't know what I'm saying anymore." He said, facepalming with an embarrassed smile, he then looks at me. "Could you keep this a secret between you, and me?" He asked with a small smile, which I've never seen, before the only time I saw him smile was that akward meeting, but it was fake, though.

"I guess, I could." I said.

"If so can you promise me that." He said with a smile, I just nodded without a second thought.

"Thanks." He said still smiling. "Hey, are you cold?" He asked, which made me confused.

"No, if so I would want it to be cold here." I said.

"If so can I have my jacket back?" He asked, I was confused, and I looked on my shoulder, and I saw a black leather Jacket, I took it off quickly, and handed it back to him.

I was also blushing like crazy!

"No, no, you can have it for awhile, this room can get a bit colder at night, and when I say a bit, I mean a lot." He said, smiling at me, and leaving the room with the tray.

Is this really Elson or was that just my imagimation or just a robot? It's probably because I'm going insane.


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