Chapter 1

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uurg not again why, it's monday and i hate to go to school but i have to, the thing is i get bullied really bad and i hate it. What have i ever done to them?

it's 6:30 AM and i roll out of bed, i really hate mornings, i go to the bathroom and take a quick shower, after i took my shower i dry my hair and put some clothes on and do my make up.

"Hey mami'' i greet my mom while kissing her cheek

"heey honey'' she greets me back

"mom i'm going to school'' i said to her and grab my backpack and keys

"ooh honey are you not going to eat breakfast" she asks worried

"no mom i grab some food on my way to school don't worry'' i said giving her a small smile

"ok, Karla be careful" she said, and i rolled my eyes, i really hate the name karla

*skipping to school*

here i'm i don't wanna go but i have to, why is this so hard

i go out of my car and walk inside on my way to my locker i heard names like: Fagbello ,Gaybello, whore, slut, and some other stupid names i get use to it

i almost walked away from my locker when i felt some push me, and i hit my back hard and fell on the ground

"What's up Karla'' i heard a voice and felt somene pull me up by my hair, ooh noo not her please not her

i looked up and saw lauren smirking at me

"what do you want''i mumbled hopig she would let go of me

"Nothing i just wanted to bother you you freak" she said an pushed me again

" i see you again in class karla" she said and kicked me

I groaned in pain, i fucking hate her, why doesn't she like me what have i ever done to her why does she hates me so much

I grabbed my backpack and some books from the floor and headed to my first class this is going to be a long day and it just started

A/N: heey guyss this is my second camren fanfic and i hope you'll like it and again english is not my first langauge sorry tho it's a short chapter

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