Chapter 6

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Camila's POV

"Why did you say yes" i asked lauren once I closed the door, I don't want my mom to hear our conversation

"Why not" she smirked when she turned her face to face me

"By the way nice room" she said as she walked around my room touching stuff

"Whatever, let's get started" I said while grabbing the paper

"I'll do it on my own" I signed  a few minutes later knowing she'll do nothing I mean I'm the nerd and she is you know lauren

"That's the camz I know" she smirked and throwed some stuffed animal at me

I ignored it trying to finish this damn project so wouldn't have to spent more time with her, but i don't think that's possible because she's so annoying

"So am I your only friend camz?" she asked me after a few minutes knowing the answer

"Fuck off" I mumbled under my breathe hoping she wouldn't hear it  but my luck she heard it

"What did you say" she said sitting next to me with anger in her eyes, i looked away really quickly because she started to scare me with her eyes

Why do i have to be stupid I said to myself

"Look at me when I'm talking do you want me to hurt you in your own house" she said waiting for me to face her and I did i was still scared, but when i looked in her eyes the anger was gone I studied her eyes and her eyes studied my face

After  ten good minuted I heard a knock on my door

"Come in" i cleared my throat taking my eyes away from lauren and i felt her do the same thing

"Mommy said dinner is ready" Sofi said opening my door

"We'll be there in a minute" I said to her

"Ok, hurry up before it gets cold" Sofi said before closing my door

When she closed the door I looked at lauren but she was avoiding  eye contact

"I have to go to the bathroom" she said after a few seconds before i could say anything she was already gone

Did sofi ruin our little moment
Wait did i just say moment
Did lauren and I have a moment


Sorry for not updating and sorry for this short chapter
But i was really busy
Btw the next chapter is gonna be better and longer

I think...

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