Chapter 19

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It was lunchtime and camila made her way to Dinah who was sitting at the table with Anesa and Normani

Camila looked confused at Normani, Normani never sat with them but she shrugged off and sat down

"You know mila here missed the half of the first period and when she decided to show up there was a hickey on her neck and her lips were al swollen up" Dinah smirked and looked at camila, Camila eyed widened and looked at dinah and slapped her arm

"Dinah" Camila yelled and groaned not making eye contact with anyone

"You know lauren missed the half of the first too and when she showed up here hair was a mess and her lips were swollen too" normani spoke up

Camila spitted out the drink she was drinking and looked at normani who already was looking at Camila with a smirk on her lips

"Ooh" was all what Camila could say.

Dinah gave Camila a look like she knew that something was going

"Yeah whatever, so what are you guys gonna do after school" Anesa changed the subject and glanced at Camila

Camila gave her a thankfull smile knowing what she did. Camila continued eating her food and felt her phone buzz

She unlocked her phone and saw she had a text from lauren

lauren: yo you better tell anyone about what we did do you understand that?

Camila just rolled her eyes and texted back

Camila: don't worry

After she sent the text she locked her phone and continued talking to Dinah, After a few minutes the bell rang and they made their way to the lockers picking up some books for their next class

Camila groaned after she realized that lauren has this class too

She was 5 minutes early for class and decided to sit back and listen to some music, she laid her head down and closed her eyes

After a few seconds she felt someone pull off her headphones she turned her head glaring at the person but soon regretted it after she was met with a pair of green eyes.

She knew lauren hated it when she did that, Camila closed her eyes fearing what would happen next

"Camz you know it that nobody rolls their eyes at me" lauren said raising her eyebrows

"Sorry i thought that you were someone else" Camila mumbled

"Yeah whatever" Lauren said and turned her head to the teacher who just walked in, Camila focused on the class until she felt Lauren's hand rest on her upper thight

She could feel lauren going higher so she slapped lauren's hand away glaring at her, Camila was lucky lauren didnt see her glare but Camila could se lauren smirking

God camila hated lauren so much right now all Camila wants to do is focus on class but she can't if Lauren is palying with her

"Lauren can you stop" Camila whispered so her teacher couldn't hear her

Lauren ignored Camila and leaned in and pulled Camila closer and start to play with Camila's hair still smirking at her. Camila tried to pull Lauren's hands away, but lauren being so annoying didn't let her

"Ok i'll stop" Lauren said, Camila looked at Lauren like she didn't believe her, lauren kept looking at camila and rested her hand again at Camila's thight

Lauren looked back at the teacher looking if he was paying attention at the back when he didn't Lauren pullen Camila closer again and slowly kissed her Camila eyes widened and pulled back

"Are you crazy, you're texting me to keep this a secret and you're kissing me in the classroom full of people" Camila whispered

"So nobody was looking" Lauren said leaning back in her seat

"Whatever" camila mumbled under her breath so Lauren couldn't hear her

After a few seconds the bell rang ending the class, Camila let out a breathe standing up to grab her backpack glancing at lauren who already was looking at her ass

Camila turned around and rolled her eyes making her way to the door

"This is going to be a long ass day" Camila thought

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