Chapter 11

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"YO bitch watcha doing" a voice yelled and the door opende

Me and Lauren jumper at the sudden voice

"oh My god what is the loser doing here" Sarah the girl said giving me a disgusting look

"We were working on a project" Lauren mumbled glancing at My way

"We?" Sarah asked glaring at me, Lauren looked confused

"I mean why 'we' let the nerd to all the work" Sarah kinda explained

I glanced at Lauren and she just shrugged

"I better go" i mumbled

"Yeah you better" Sarah said harsh

I glanced again at Lauren for the last time and grabbed My backpack and walked away

"That Sarah girl just ruïnes My mood" i mumbled on My way to My house

*skipping next dat to school*

Here i am again at school actually hell i fucking hate everyone mostly Lauren and that Sarah chick

"Yo slut" Sarah yelled and pushed me to the grond and smirked at me

I could feel the tears in My eyes but i need to be strong

"Bitch why did you push her, do te need me to beat tour ass" a voice said and a tall girl grabbed Sarah by her hair

"If i see you mess with her i'll cut you" the tall girl whispered in sarah's ear

"Yeah whatever" Sarah glared at the girl and walked away

I was shocked why did the tall girl help me

"You OK?" the tall girl spook

I looked at her and god she was beautiful she had blond hair and cafamel skin she kinda looks like Beyoncé

"I'm Dinah" the girl spook again and pulled me up

"I'm Camila" i mumbled looking at her

"Why did you help me, i maan i'm the loser here if people see you talking to me they gonna think you're a loser too" i said

"Damn girl i'll beat their Asses if they gonna mess with u again" she smiled and gave her a small smile back

"I'm new here" she said

That's why i didn't know who she was

"I think were gonna be great friends" she said and headed off

Oh My god My first vriend

The warning bell went off pulling me out of My thougts

"I better head off to My class" i mumbled to Myself

But the next thing i know i was pulled in to closed, before i could say anything i felt a pair of soft lips on me.

Just me and you (Camren)Where stories live. Discover now