Chapter 9

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I was waiting outside of lauren's house I don't know if i should knock or not i don't know if this is a good idea

Before i could knock the door opened, there was a women standing kinda looking like lauren

"Hi" she greeted

"Hello" I said back kinda feeling awkward

"Are you one of lauren's friends" she smiled at me

Damn why is her mom nice and lauren isn't

I was about to answer her question but i was cut by lauren standing right behind the women

"Hey camila" lauren said smiling at me

What the fuck is her problem i thought she never smiles, but her smile is beautiful tho. Camila what the fuck think straight(<lol)

"Mom this is camila, camila this is my mom" she said pointing at her mom

I just smiled awkwardly at her mom

"Nice to meet you camila, sorry about the rush but i really hate to go" Lauren's mom said

"Nice to meet you too" I said back

"I'll be home late lauren so if you two go upstairs let the door open" lauren's mom said to lauren

I gave lauren a weird look

"Ok bye mom" lauren said fastly and pulled me inside the house

"What the fuck was that for" i said quitly and rubbed my arm

"It was nothing and follow me we're going to my room" lauren said and i did what she asked

As we were in her room i looked around, she kinda has a nice room

"Now let the fun begin" she smirked and closed the door behind her

I looked at her strangely she gave me a smirk back

"I thought that you mom said that you can't close the door" i said in a quit voice hoping she wouldn't get mad at me

"Do i look like i care" she said in a bored voice

I looked away, she makes me so nervous

"Now let's begin shall we" she said getting closer.

Just me and you (Camren)Where stories live. Discover now