Chapter 3

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Camila's POV.

What did i just feel i wondered while walking down the hal

"Yo fagbello" someone yelled my name

I turned around and saw a pair of green eyes watching me

"W-what d-do y-y-you w-want" i stutterd hoping she would let me go

"I want your number so i can text you and meet for the project" she said harsly

I wrote my number at some peace of paper with shaky hands and gave it to her

She didn't even say thank you ans pushed me while walking away

"Bitch" i mumbled to myself

"WHAT DID YOU SAY" i heard her yell

Shit she heard me.
Before i could run away she pinned me against the lockers

"Don't say that ever again, or i'll kill you" she said and i felt her hot breathe against my lips

"Do you understand" she said and i closed my eyes and nodded when i opend my eyes i saw her looking at my lips and i felt my face turning red

"Good" she whispered in my ear and then she let go of me and i fell on the ground

"I'll text you my adress tonight and be on time" i heard her say before she walked away

"Shit" i whispered to myself
" i don't want to be alone with her"

A/N: sorry for not updating my phone was broken so i had to wait for a new one and sorry for this short chapter the next chapter will be longer...

Just me and you (Camren)Where stories live. Discover now