Chatper 12

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fuck who the fuck is This person kissing me

I opened my eyes to see who was kissing me but it was to dark so I just shut my eyes again. I didn't know what to do I mean this is my first kiss should I enjoy it or should I be worried.

Before I could decide the person pushed me back and run out of the closed.

I was really confused for what just happened

I brought my fingers to my mouth and touched my lips, I just got my first kiss from a person I don't know I don't even know if it was a boy or a girl.

I grabbed my backpack from the ground and looked at my phone

"FUCK I'M 15 MINUTES LATE FOR MY CLASS" I yelled to myself and rushed to my class

All eyes were on me when I opened the door. "Fuck I hate this so much" I cursed to myslef.

"Camila?" Mrs.Brooke asked dissapointed. Damn this is the first time that I've been late to a class

"Just take a seat next to Lauren, and don't be late next time because I know you're a good girl" mrs.Brooke said looking at me

I just mumbled a simple "yes" before heading to my seat

I groaned when I saw Lauren smirking at me

"What happened, your face is all red" Lauren asked still smirking

I just looked at her and rolled my eyes and went back to concentrate on the lesson

"Aahhw camz don't be like that" Lauren whispered in my ear and touched my thight

My eyes shot open and I looked at her with my eyes wide

"Can you please remove your hand?" I asked nervously still looking at her

"Fine" she smirked

This is going to be a long ass day

*skipping to lunch*

"Yoo mila" Dinah smiled walking my way

"Can I sit with you?" She asked still smiling

"S-sure" I stuttered

"Nice" she said and sat next to me

"So I was so wondering if you wanted to go to the mall with me I know we just know each other for a few hours but please" Dinah begged giving me puppy eyes, how can I say no the her

"Sure I'd like to go to the mall with you" I smiled and she smiled back.

Just me and you (Camren)Where stories live. Discover now