Chapter 14

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(Y'all before you read this chapter add me on Snapchat: fatma_kaya)

Camila's POV

I entered the store and spotted Lauren in the back and made my way to her

My Hands were so sweaty when I was standing next to the table

"Why don't you sit I don't bite" Lauren mumbled looking around

I sat down facing her

"Why did you want to talk to me" I spoke watching her every move I was very curious

"Ok, this may sound crazy but listen" she said looking directly into my eyes

"So I know you're friends with that Dinah chick but she's normani's cousin" Lauren begin still not breaking eye contact

Wow I thought they were only friends

"But Normani is my best friend so she knows that you're friends with Dinah so she told me to be nice to you from now on" she told me not showing any emotions

"So?" I asked

"So?" She mocked me

"Listen I will be only nice to you if you're with Dinah or when I'm with Normani " she spoke slowly and I nodded

After that i got home i took a shower and went to sleep

The next i was woken up by my annoying phone I looked at my phone and saw that Dinah was calling me

"What do you want" I asked grumpy

"Good morning to you too mila, just wanted to ask you if you could pick me up my car broke down" Dinah asked

"Fine I'll pick you up in a hour" I said rolling out of my bed

"I should get ready for hell" I mumbled to myself

After i picked dinah up I we went to school

"Hey Dinah I need to go to my locker" I said to Dinah as we walked through  the hall way.

"Should I go with you?"  Dinah asked

"No you don't have to" I said to her and gave her a smile before walking to my locker

"Hey you" I heard a sudden voice behind me I turned Round and saw a pair of green eyes watching Me

"Hey anesa right?" I asked

"Yeah that's me you're Camila right?" She asked too and I nodded my head

"Hey baby" a female voice said behind anesa and a  pair of arms were wrapped around anesa's waist

"Ooh hey mila" the girl said and it was Normani

"Hey" I spoke

"We have to go to class but I talk to you later" anesa said smiling and grabbed normani's hand and and walked away

Damn they look good together

I opened my locker but it was before I could grab my.books I was turned around and saw a pair of green eyes again

But this time it was Lauren

"Hey camz" Lauren smirked and leaned in

Just me and you (Camren)Where stories live. Discover now