Chapter 24

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 A/N: add me on snapchat: fatma_kaya

The next day when Camila got to school, people were looking at her and whispering it's not like something new but it was different kind of whispering this time, they didn't actually call her names and laugh at her.

Camila took a deep breath and walked straight towards her locker to put her stuff inside, after a few minutes she felt someone hugging her from the behind.

"hey babe i missed you'' the person whispered in her ear, she already could tell it was Lauren. She turned around and looked at her. and  then it hit her, the plan Lauren made.

''w-what d-d-do you wa-want'' Camila whispered actually scared of Lauren, Lauren just smirked at her.

''just play along before you make me mad, I want everyone to know we are together'' Lauren whispered before kissing Camila on her cheek. Camila closed her eyes letting Lauren do her thing.

after a few seconds Lauren let go of Camila giving her some space. Camila turned around and looked at the student who already were looking at them.

Lauren already knew what Camila was thinking so she wante to fuck with her mind. lauren grabbed Camile by her waist and pulled her closer to her. Before Camila could react Lauren's lips were on her lips kissing her.

Camila knew she had to go along with it so she closed her eyes and started to kiss Lauren back.

Camila could feel the eyes on her and Lauren, after a few minutes she pulled back her face turned all red. Lauren again leaned in to give her a peck on the lips and left without saying anything.

Camila couldn't take it no longer and headed straight to the bathroom, she looked at herself in the mirror her face all red her lips kinda red and swollen.

''Holy shit mila, what was that didn't know you were into girls but that shit was hot'' Dinah bursted into the bathroom.

''shut up Dinah, i'm not into girls'' Camila said still looking at herself.

'' you sure, because Lauren is telling everyone you guys are together'' Dinah smirked a little, Camila just rolled her eyes, she wanted to tell Dinah what their plan was but she was scared of Lauren so she decided to go along with it.

''Yeah me and Lauren are kinda dating, but i don't wanna talk about it'' Camila said facing Dinah now.

''nice, did you guys already you know did it, i asked Normani once, she and anesa are like two kinky ass bitches so it must be good'' Dinah said still smirking.

''ohh my god Dinah, no we didt do it and you need to shut up let's go to class'' Camila said turning all red.

''whatever mila'' Dinah said following Camila.

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