Chapter 27

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A/N: i know I haven't updated in a reallllyyyyy long time but i was really busy with college so yeah sorry about that AND don't forget to stan twice and blackpink lol

"Camila" Lauren moaned against her lips still kissing her.




Camila jumped from the couch and fell on the ground, her eyes shot open after she realized she fell asleep and it was just a dream.

"Are you ok?" Lauren asked looking at camila, camila nodded and gave lauren a fake smile. She feels so embarrassed.

"What time is it" Camila asked after a few awkward minutes.

"Uuhh almost 7 " lauren answered

"Oo fuckkk i need to go home" camila cursed and lauren just looked at camila amused.

"What?" Camila asked looking confused at lauren, lauren just shook her head.

"Are you ready?" Lauren asked after 10 minutes, Camila nodded

They arrived at Camila's house, but Camila still felt uncomfortable after her dream.

After a few minutes camila got out of the car but a arm pulled her back. Camila turned around and waited for lauren to say something.

"Camila, i'm sorry" lauren mumbled but camila could hear it. After that Lauren closed the car door and left. Camila just stood there.

"lauren is going to be the death of me" she said to herself and went inside.

The next few days were weird, lauren didn't really show up at school and when she did she would Annoy camila or just ignore her. Camila wasn't really complaining she was glad lauren ignored her.

Camila was really confused, everytime she and lauren were alone lauren would act so different, camila hated to admit to herself but she liked spending time with lauren alone she wasn't that bad.

It was one of the days that lauren showed up and camila already rolled her eyes she could see lauren walking towards her with her usual smirk on her face.

"Where is my goodmorning kiss" Lauren asked innocently standing infront of camila

Camila wasn't really in the mood but she gave her a quick peck on the lips.

"Meet in by the lockers when it's lunch break" lauren said and left.

Camila watched lauren walk away before walking herself to class.

It was lunch break and camila made her way to the lockers, she was kinda curious about what lauren got to say. She already saw lauren waiting for her

"Hey" lauren greeted camila, camila gave her shy smile. She felt shy all of sudden.

"What i want to say was i won't be here for a few days probably a week" lauren said getting closer to camila,

"Why what happened" camila asked because she was really curious not that she cared she was just curious she said to herself.

"I need to finish some work it's better for you not to know" lauren mumbled getting a little closer again.

"I need to skip the rest of the day i need to pack some things, call me when someone is bothering you" lauren said pulling camila closer.

"Can i kiss you" lauren mumbled again. This side of lauren made camila so confused but she nodded feeling herself leaning in.

"I need to go my class is about to start.. take care" camila said before she went to her next class

Lauren watched her leave and had a sad smile on her face she was really sorry about what she did to camila. She didn't know how to say it to her.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 23, 2019 ⏰

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