Chapter 17

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Camila just looked at lauren, she felt so sorry for Lauren. Even though she hated Lauren she cared about her Camila always cares

"I'm sorry for coming this late but can I stay for the night I can't go home" Lauren said still crying

"Y-yeah of course " Camila answered fastly, She gently  grabbed Lauren's hands and walked upstairs quitly, Camila didn't want to wake her mom up

Camila opened her door, she was still holding Lauren's hand

''y-you can s-sleep on my bed and i can sleep on the couch'' Camila said nervously looking at Lauren.

''don't be silly your bed is big enough for both of us'' laures said offering a weak smile

''y-yeah of course'' Camila stuttered and let go of Lauren's hand

Camila walked to her closet finding some clothes that would fit lauren, she found some sweatpants and some old shirt that was to big for Camila but it would fit perfectly for Lauren.

''you can change in the bathroom if u want'' Camila said after she gave the clothes to Lauren

Lauren nodded and walked to the bathroom to get changed, after a few minutes she came back with Camila's clothes

''she kinda looks good in my clothes'' Camila thought

''Thanks'' Lauren smirked, camila's eyes widened after she realized that she said it out loud 

''i think we should go to sleep'' camila said and ignored eye contact with Lauren but she could feel Lauren's eyes on her

after 10 minutes they layed in bed both of them turning the back to eachother, she could feel Lauren  turning around every 5 seconds

''Lauren stay still and go to sleep'' camila mumbled

''ok wait'' lauren whispered

''what?'' Camila asked, She wasn't in the mood for Lauren's games

Lauren still didn't respond after a few minutes, camila sighs and closed her eyes but her eyes widened when she felt Lauren's arms around her

''now i can sleep but if u tell anyone about this i will kill you'' Lauren mumbled in camila's neck

Camila just nodded  and closed her eyes and she fell asleep in Lauren's arms

**Next Morning**

camila was woken up by her sister jumping on her

"Sofi go awayyy'' Camila whined, Don't get her wrong Camila loves her little sister but she can be annoying sometimes.

''ok fine but get up or you'll be late for school'' Sofi got up from Camila's bed and ran downstaires

Camila groaned and turned around but her eyes shot open when she thought about last night, she sat straight up and looked next to her but she didn't see Lauren only a note, she picked the note up and read it

''i'm sorry about last night, i woke up early this morning and got home i didn't wake anyone up so don't worry but about what happened last night please don't tell anyone''- Lauren

Camila let out a big sign and got out of bed getting ready for school with Lauren on her mind.

** skipping to school**

''You milaaaa snap it out'' Camila heard a voice next to her

''w-what'' Camila looked around confused and saw Dinah

''this is the third time, you ok?'' Dinah asked Camila, Camila just shrugged it off and offered a smile

''yeah just tired'' Camila said giving Dinah a fake smile, Dinah eyed her carefully not believing anything but let it go

they both walked to the bathroom but their eyes widened when the opened the bathroom door, they saw a shirtless Normani making out with Anesa

''Omg normani i can't believe you get a fucking room'' Dinah groaned seeing her cousin making out with her girlfriend, Camila just looked down at her shoes without saying anything

''Dinah don't blame me i mean look at Anesa she is hot and she's a great kisser '' normani smirked, Anesa playfully slapped Normani's arm

''babe hurry we are going to be late for class'' Anesa said and picked Normani's shirt up

''Dinah you don't have to wait for me i'll see you at lunch'' Camila said after Anesa and Normani left

''u sure?'' Dinah asked and Camila nodded 

Dinah left after a few seconds, when Camila opened the door whe she was done she was met with  pair of green eyes

''we need to talk'' Lauren said seriously closing and locking the door behind her

''y-yeah of course'' Camila stuttered nervously.

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