Chapter 22

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Camila went to the bathroom and looked at herself in the mirror. She hated Lauren, god she hated her so much. she didn't know what's wrong with Lauren, Camila didn't understand Lauren sometimes she was different with her a good different camila hated that and at school she would bully her.

Camila looked in the mirror for the last time and washed her face, at the same time the door opened. Camila already knew who it was but she hoped she was wrong.

"hey camz" lauren whispered in Camila's ear, and Camila closed her eyes, she hated her so much. Camila turned around and looked at Lauren.

"what do you want" Camila said with no emotions in her voice, Lauren just shook her head and smirked at Camila and took a step closer to her.

Camila looked down avoiding eye contact, Lauren studied Camila her face, her body everything. Lauren hated to admit it but Camila was beautiful really beautiful the way her hair fell down her back and her warm chocolate brown eyes, her lips lauren coudn't take her eyes off her lips.

"Camz look up" Lauren whispered still looking at Camila's lips.

Camila looked up studying Laurens eyes. There was this tension between them mix between hate and lust. Lauren couldn't take it longer and leaned in slowly. Camila couldn't help herself and did the same. 

''Yo bitches hurry up the movie is about to start" Dinah yelled from the outside, Camila jumped she didn't know what to do so she pushed Lauren and got outside.

"fucking bitch" Lauren mumbled and got up and went to the living room.

Camila quickly sat down she couldn't believe what was about to happen if Dinah didn't yell.

"what took you guys so long" Anesa asked looking between Camila and a standing Lauren. Lauren rolled her eyes she was mad her face was all red.

"nothing just start the fucking movie'' Lauren said and sat next to camila, Camila knows that Lauren is mad and this means no good. Camila got scared she knows what Lauren can do if she's mad.

" I'm not mad at you Camz'' Lauren mumbled and Camila heard it adn lookad at Lauren, lauren was already looking at her with a small smile.

lauren never smiles, Nobody has ever seen Lauren smile.

"what did I get myself into" camila thought.

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