Chapter 23

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Camila was getting more nervous every minute that passed by, she really didn't like lauren fucking with her mind. The green eyed girl was confusing, but Camila did know for sure after today Lauren's gonna be back to her old self again in school and Camila really hated it.

Camila couldn't take it no longer. All she wanted to do was go home and listen to some music. Don't get her wrong she was so happy that they invited Camila, Camila never had real friends, se was never invited to hang out. She was really happy to meet Dina, but Lauren was really mindfucking and Camila hated her.

"guys i don't really feel well" Camila said after an hour, she realy wanted to go home. Lauren just turned her head to look at Camila studying her quietly.

"yeah i'm gonna head to taylor though so i can give you a ride home Camz" Lauren said looking at Camila, Camila just rolled her eyes thinking about Taylor. Camila hated her too Taylor was one of the squad too who is bullying her.

''no i'm good" Camila said in a small voice not making any eye contact.

" i'm giving you a ride home camz and don't try to argue with me'' Lauren said and Camila looked at her and she could tell Lauren was serious.

''ok fine, see you girls later'' Camila gave up and said her goodbye to the girls.

10 minutes Later they were outside getting in Normani's car, Lauren didn't bring her car today.

"karla can i talk to you'' Lauren said with a smirk on her face, Camila really hated her first name it sounded so annoying. but she didn't say anything she was scared to piss Lauren off.

''yeah sure'' Camila said still looking out the window

''you're going to be my fake girlfriend'' Lauren said and Camila's eyes widened open and she almost choked on her own spit.

''w-what d-do y-y-you m-m-mean" Camila stuttered hoping she heard it wrong.

''listen here Camila, where going to date for a few months atleast in public so i can get more populair like the badass populair girl making the nerd fall in love with her, and people are going to mess with you less'' Lauren said in a serious voice. ofcourse she would be more populair Camila thought

''and i'm going to break up with you in school too after a few months so yeah and i'm taking a yes for answer so you don't have choice'' Lauren smirked

what is wrong with this girl Camila thought. Lauren was right though it would make her more populair and people are going to stop making fun of Camila.

before Camila could say anything Lauren stopped the car.

''you're home babe'' Lauren said and kissed Camila right on her lips.

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