Chapter 25

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it was lunch time and Camila knew she would see Lauren, Camila still didn't know how to feel about Lauren's plan being her fake girlfriend.

''Mila your girlfriend is coming'' Dinah smirked. Camila just ignored Dinah and continued eating her lunch until she felt someone kissing her cheek

''hey baby i missed you'' Lauren said looking at Camila she knew how annoyed Camila was.

''to bad i didn't miss you'' Camila mumbled under her breath she was lucky Lauren didn't hear her. everyone was eating their lunch until Lauren stoop up and getting everyone's attention.

''Listen people, Me and Camila are datingn she's my girlfriend now if someone messes with her i will ruin you'' Lauren said and Camila turned red she could feel all eyes on her when she looked up she saw Sarah and taylor glaring at her.

''Lauren can you please get down'' Camila whispered and pulled Lauren by her arm. Lauren looked down at Camila and smirked at her before pulling Camila up and kissing her right on the lips. Camila was shook she froze Lauren is kissing her in front of everyone.

when Lauren pulled away she looked at Camila just looking at her studying her face before sitting down. Camila did the same after a few seconds, she tried to ignore all the stares she was getting.

''come with me'' Lauren said finishing her lunch. Camila didn't argue with her and did what she was told following Lauren. Lauren grabbed Camila by the hand and walked out of the school Camila already knew what Lauren's gonna do and that's skipping school.

''Lauren i don't think it's smart to skip school'' Camila said looking at their hands. Lauren stopped with walking and turned her head to look at camila giving her a small smirk.

''don't be a pussy just come with me'' Lauren said and continued walking dragging Camila along with her. Camila just rolled her eyes.

when they arrived next to Lauren's car Lauren just pulled Camila closer to her and leaned in, Camila didn't know what to do so she did the same. into their kiss Camila could feel Lauren grabbing her ass.

''god i just love your ass'' Lauren said winking after pulling away getting in the car.

there was this silence in the car but not a awkward one. Lauren rested her hand on Camila's thigh, Camila just ignored the feeling until Lauren started to move her hand higher. Camila didn't know what it was but she wanted Lauren to touch her more.

even though Camila hated Lauren she couldn't deny that Lauren was beautiful and hot, Camila's hated to admit it but the way Lauren touches her makes Camila go crazy and she couldn't take it no longer.

''Lauren stop the car'' Camila said in a serious tone, Lauren just looked confused at Camila but did what she was told after she found a parking lot she stopped the car.

''what's up'' Lauren said looking at Camila.

'' I want you'' Camila said and grabbed Lauren by the face and kissed her.

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