Chapter 15

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Camila's POV

"L-lauren w-what are you doing" I stutterd looking at Lauren

I felt her hands travel down my waist

"I'm just having some fun babe" Lauren smirked biting her lip. she leaned further leaving just a small gap between our lips

"I'll see you later camz" Lauren said after a few seconds before pulling back and then she was gone leaving me confused

"Yo mila" a sudden voice yelled but I didn't respond I still looked forward me with a blank face

"Hellooooo" the voice said again but this time I looked up and saw Dinah looking at me with her eyebrows raised

"You ok?" She asked me still looking worried

"Yeah" I replied weakly she just shakes her head before grabbing
My hand and walking towards our class

When we arrived we took are seats and waited for the teacher

When the teacher arrived he started his lesson and I thought about what happened earlier still confused and scared

What did she mean by 'i'll see you later' why is she acting like that I know when she promised me that she'll be nice to me when we are with Normani and Dinah

But why is she acting like this probably because she wants to annoy me it's Lauren she hates me even though I don't know what I ever did to her but she hates me and I hate her for making my life like hell I hate her group more


I jumped at the sudden noice and realized it was the lunch bell I started packing my stuff and Dinah was already done

"Dinah go ahead i'll catch up later" I said to dinah

"Are you sure?" She asked looking at me

"Yeah" I answered still packing my stuff and I heard her walking away

I let out a sighn before grabbing my backpack and trowing over my shoulder

When I walked down the hallway I felt someone grab my arm and pulled me inside a classroom it was dark the light were off and I didn't see anything

I heard the person lock the door

"W-who are y-you let me go" I stutterd I was so scared not again
Before a could say anything again I felt a pair of lips on me again

Wait I know this person it is the same person from last time

I didn't know what to do so I closed my eyes and waited but a few secons later I started kissing this person back I don't know what is happening but I like it

after a few minutes we both pulled away breathing heavily

"I said that I would see you later babe" a female voice whishpered in my ear

My eyes widened

Omg Lauren Jauregui was my first kiss and the second time I kissed back and I fucking hate her my fuckinh enemy

But I liked it

Just me and you (Camren)Where stories live. Discover now