chapter 4

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Camila's POV

"KAKI" was the first thing i heard when i got home and i felt sofi wrap her little arms around my waist

"Heey prinsess" i greeted my little sister, and i walked towards the kitchen

I saw my mom but she didn't see me cause her back was facing me so i decided to scare
I counted to 3, 1.....2.....3

"MOM" I screamed loudly and she jumped before she could scream my name i sprinted to the livingroom

"KARLA" i heard my mom scream my name nope this isn't good

"Sorry mom i had to" i told her laughing damn she was really pissed

"That was the last time" she told me giving me a glaring look

I couldn't help it and laughed harder my mom just rolled her eyes and made her way to the kitchen

I decided to go upstairs to my room and listen to music like i love music that's the only thing that i love about my life i meanni love my family too but with music is it different

I just layed on my bed and scrolled down tumblr while listening to music after i reblogged some things i got bored

Sometimes i wonder like what's the feeling when you have friends like i don't have any friends so when i get bored i can't ask people to hang out because they don't like me

After 5 minutes my phone went off and i was confused like i told you before i don't have any friends so why is someone calling me

So what could go wrong and i decided to answer it

"Hello" i said

"Yo gaybello" i heard on the other side like how could i forget it is lauren

"Anyway can i come over and do the project at yours" she asked me in a normal tone like she is talking to me like i'm a normal human being

"Yeah yeah of course i gonna text you my adress" i told her nervously and quikly hang up

After i hung up i texted her my adress hopefully it's gonna be normal but i doubt it...

Just me and you (Camren)Where stories live. Discover now