Chapter 8

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"I hope I don't see her today" I said to myself while I was walking to my locker

I opened my locker to put some books I don't use in it

As I closed my locker I felt eyes on me, and I know who it is.

"Yoo karla" Lauren greeted me smirking

I ignored her and tried to walk away, but i felt her grab my arm

"Don't ignore me" She said turning me around so I was looking at her

"I'm sorry" I said avoiding eye contact

"You better be" she said back a little angry, than she let go of me

"If you ever ignore me again, I'll fuck you up" She whispered in my ear before she walked away

"I fucking hate her" I mumbled to myself before going to class.

*skipping to lunch*

Here I'm again all alone without friends, sitting alone at my table

"Dude look at that girl" some boys pointed at me

"Dumb ass hoe" one of the boys came to me, and threw my lunch on the ground

"MOVE YOU ASSHOLES, SHE'S MINE" a girl voice yelled and i know who it is

"Damn calm down Jauregui, we're just having fun don't we cabello" one of the boys said

"I said move before I cut your dick off" lauren said once again stepping closer towards the boy

"Ok I'm going" the boys said and walked away pointing to his friends to follow him

"Anyway" lauren said clearing her throat

"When are we meeting up again for the project loser" lauren said again smirking

"Never" I mumbled

"Damn girl, when did you got so confident, but if you ever talk back again I'm gonna punch you in the face" lauren said grabbing my hair

"Do you understand" she asked

"Yes" I whispered

"Good, now we're meeting after school my place I'll text you my adress and don't be fucking late" she said glaring at me again

Sorry for the mistakes.
Next chaptet will be longer
This one kinda sucks

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