Chapter 21

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Camila made her way to Dinah's car, she wasn't in the mood to face Lauren again. When she arrived she could see Dinah and Lauren waiting for her but she saw another girl too she was small.

"Hey dinah" Camila said completely ignoring Lauren.

"Hey mila, this is Ally she's another friend of mine she's joining us too today" Dinah said nodding in Ally's way.

"Hey ally i'm camila" Camila said and Ally smiled at her giving her a hug.

Camila could feel Lauren watch her but she ignored her.

"So let's go" Dinah said and got in the car, Camila wanted to sit in the front seat but Ally already beated her.

"Guess we sitting next to each other camz" Lauren smirked at Camila. Camila rolled her eyes she really wasn't in the mood for Lauren.

When they sat next to each other she could feel Lauren's eyes on her.

"Take a picture it will last longer"  Camila mumbled but Lauren heard her and the next thing Lauren did was grabbing her phone and taking a picture of camila. But Camila didn't notice it.

It was a quiet ride to Normani's house, Camila was glad that Lauren didn't bother her

"So Let's go inside" Dinah said after they all got out the car. Camila was the last one to get out of the car, Camila saw that Lauren was waiting for her and she already rolled her eyes and Lauren smirked at her.

"After you Camz" lauren said holding the door open for Camila. After Camila got inside she felt Lauren's hand on her ass she turned quickly facing Lauren now.

"Please don't touch me again" Camila said angry. Lauren took a step closer now. Camila's breathing changed quickly she was nervous now.

"You know what I noticed everytime I'm close to you, you alwats get nervous and I like it" Lauren whispered in her ear and walked away to the living room where everyone was

Camila closed her eyes for a few seconds before she followed Lauren inside.

She saw everyone sitting and waiting for her, and the only free spot was next to Lauren

"Great" Camila thought and she slowly made her way next to Lauren and sat down.

"Finally everyone is here" Normani said looking between Camila and Lauren.

"You know we should watch a movie" Dinah suggested already searching for a movie on her phone.

"Yes a horror movie" Lauren said smirking.

"Oh hell no" Camila and Ally screamed at the same time.

"Why it would be fun" Anesa said and laughed.

"Yeah no do you know how easily i get scared" ally said and Camila nodded.

"Don't be a pussy here" Dinah said and threw a pillow at Ally.

"Don't worry I'll protect you" Lauren whispered in Camila's ear so no one could here and smirked"

"Just find a horror movie, I need to go to the bathroom first" Camila said and stood up.

Little did she know that Lauren would follow her

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