Chapter 5

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I was looking for something to eat when i felt some hot breathe hit my ear from behind

I slow turned my body with a scared face and I was met with emarald eyes

"Jesus lauren what are you doing here you scared the shit out of me" I said looking with angy eyes at her and slowly closed the fridge

"Your face was so funny" she said laughing

I rolled my eyes at her
"Who the fuck let you in" i asked her

"I don't know i think it was you sister or something she kinde looked like you and don't you dare to roll you eyes at me ever again" she said changing her mood from laughing to angry

"Ok whatever" i mumbled but a few seconds later I regret it

"What did you say" she said stepping closer and i stepped back hitting my back at the fridge(or whatever you say it)

"N-n-nothing" i stutterd hoping she would step back because this is to close to me

She smirked when she heard me stutter and i wanted to slap that smirk of her face i hate er so much

"Kaki" sofi yelled my name running towards me and lauren and lauren stepped back finally

"Heey little one" lauren said to sofi kneeling down her height at least she is nice to sofi

"SOFI did i not tell you that you can let strangers in the house" i said in a serious tone

" but kaki lauren said that se was a friend of you" sofi said and i glared at lauren but lauren shoot me a look so i looked down at my feet

"Anyway my mom was calling you" sofi said happly and walked to the living probebly want to watch some cartoons

"What did i sa-
Lauren was cut of by my mom who was happely walking towards us

"So mija who is this" my mom aksed me while pointing at lauren

"I'm camila's friend" lauren said before i could say anything givig my mom a big fake smile

"Ooh that's so great she never invite her friends over i almost thought she didn't have any friends" she said to lauren laughing a little bit and lauren smirked at me

"Yeah mom whatever we are going upstairs to worl at some project"i said quickly grabbing lauren's hand and walking fast upstairs but my mom let us

"Karla not so fast i wanted to ask lauren of she wants to join dinner" she asked lauren but i shot her a look but it's lauren she would probebly say yes to annoy me

"I would love to" she gave my mother another fake smile

"Ok now come on" i said once again grabbing lauren's hand and walkinh upstairs to my room

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