Chapter 13

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*at the mall*

"Dinah I'm tired" I said walking behind dinah

We've been at the mall for 2 hours now and my leg are killing me

"Ok mila this is the last one I swear" Dinah said running towards a clothing store

I groaned trying to catch up with her

"Dinah please slow dow-" before I could finish my sentence I bumped in to someone and fell on the ground

"I'm so sorry" a girly voice said I looked up and saw her face

Holy shit her eyes are beautiful

"Well thank you" the girl smiled

"Did I say that out loud" I asked

"Yes you did" the girl giggled and I blushed

"Anyway I'm anesa" Anesa smiled at me

"I'm Camila" I mumbled still embrassed

"I have to go now but maybe I see you again" anesa said still smiling

"Yeah" I said

I waved goodbye at her when she walked away

"Very I know her that's anesa" a sudden voice said behind me making me jump

I turned my head and saw dinah standing behind me

"Damn you scared me" I said glaring at dinah

"Yeah I know" dinah laughed I was still glaring at her

"Anyway how do you know her" I I asked Dinah

"Ooh yeah a friend of mine is dating her I think you know her" Dinah said looking at me

I looked confused at her

"Really, who?" I asked

"Normani" Dinah said

I was thinking do I know who normani is but her name sounds familiar then my face fell

"Y-you m-mean Normani K-kordei" I stutterd

"Yeah she is a friend of mine, I mean I only know you too and I think she has a friend her name was Lara, laura I don't know" dinah shrugged

"Lauren" I mumbled

"Yeah her but I don't really know her" she said

"Yeah and you don't want to" I mumbled under my breath

"Did you say something" dinah asked

"No" I replied fastly

Thinking about lauren just ruined my day

"You ok mila, you look kinda pale" dinah asked looking at me

"Not really I just wanna go home I feel kinda sick" I said not lying because lauren kinda make me feel sick

"Sure let's go" dinah said giving me a small smile

After I said goodbye to dinah I walked to my room I just want to sleep and never wake up

I just sat on my bed staring blankly at my wall

What did I do to lauren? why does she hate me so much?

All these questions were running through my head

"Kaki dinner is ready" my little sister came to my room

"Kaki?" Sofia asked after I didn't reply to her

"Yeah" I snapped back into reality

"I said dinner was ready" my litter sister said again

"Yeah I'll be downstairs in 5 minutes " I mumbled

After I was alone again my phone started to ring

I looked at my phone and my eyes widened

Lauren was calling me

"Hello" I answered shakily

"Camz meet me at the cafe down your street in a hour you better be there" lauren said and ended the call

I couldn't even answer but I better meet her that or she would literally kill me

"Fuck my life" I mumbled and started to walk downstairs.

Just me and you (Camren)Where stories live. Discover now