Chapter 10

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Camila's POV

"L-lauren w-what a-are y-you doing" I whispered kinda scared of her

Lauren just smirked and stepped closer to me. After a few seconds standing in front of me she leaned in.

She looked at my lips then My eyes

"Nothing" she whispered against My lips ans i blushed of our closeness(<--Idk if that's a word tho) and looked away from her.

She still was close to me and it made me nervous

"Can you please step back a little" i asked not making any eye contact

"Why?, am i making you nervous" she smirked

"no" i lied

"Ok, then i'll step a little closer" she smirked

"Fine you kinda make me nervous" i admited still not making any eye contact

"Hmmm" she hummed and finally stepped back, it felt like i can breathe again.

After a few awkward minutes i cleared lauren cleared her throat, i was still standing in the middle of her room looking at My feest

"You can sit if you want, i don't bits" she said

I did what she said and sat next to her on her bed, i don't know why i sat next to her but i just did.

"I'll do everything" i said after a few minutes

Lauren turner and looked at me confused

"I mean the project" i said quickly

"Why you don't want My help" she said and raised her eyebrow

"No i mean like you know, i mean i'm the nerd and stuff and you're the cool ons and i fivured you dont want to do homework" i rambled and lauren just giggled

Did i hear that right she just giggled at me

"You're such a Dork camz" she smiled at me like a real smile

I blushed at the name "camz" and looked down at My hands

Few seconds later i felt her grab My chin and made me look straight at her

She looked at My lips then My eyes again

So i did the same her lips look so kissable

WTf am i thinking and what the fuck is happening right now

And then...

Here is chapter 10 hope y'all like it.

Just me and you (Camren)Where stories live. Discover now