Chapter 16

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Camila looked at Lauren in shock, this is the second time they kissed. Camila's eyes widened and realized Lauren was her first kiss, her enemy was her first kiss it doesn't matter to her if it is a girl because she doesn't care, she doesn't care if she falls in love with a girl or boy love is love.

But she's talking about Lauren Jauregui, the girl who bullied Camila, the girls who camila hated so much.

''so you liked it?'' Lauren looked at camila with a smirk

''w-w-what'' camila stutterd she was still in shock

''i know you liked it because you kissed me back'' Lauren said still smirking at camila

Camila didn't know what to do so she stared at the ground, a few seconds later she felt her tears running down her face but she kept silent. She wanted to look strong but that didn't last for long before Lauren lifted her chin up and looked straight in her eyes.

Camila studied Lauren's eyes for a few seconds. Camila saw Lauren soften when Lauren saw Camila crying. The next thing what Lauren did schocked Camila even more

Lauren hugged her

Camila started crying harder and Lauren hold her closer.

''I'm sorry'' Lauren whispered in Camila's ear before kissing her cheek softly

Lauren gave Camila a one last glance before walking away

Camila watched Lauren go a few minutes later she cleaned herself up before walking to her locker to get her stuff. All she wanted to do was go home and lay in her bed, she was so tired

she went home and skipped the rest of the day, the thing lauren did today was confusing for camila. Lauren makes Camila's life like hell in school but the next think Lauren does is kiss her and hold her.

Camila wanted to sleep she felt tired but she couldn't sleep, the Green eyed girl was on her mind now she hated her even more. She was more pissed at herself for kissing back the second time

Camila tried to clear her thought and go to sleep but it didn't help.

''maybe i need to drink some cold water'' Camila mumbled to herself, so she got out of bed and walked downstaires to the kitchen when she grabbed a glass she heard knocks on her front door, she looked confused at the clock, ''It's like 2 in the morning what the fuck'' she thought

she ignored it and filled her glass with water, when she was about to take a sip she heard the knocks again and this time louder

Camila was now scared the knocks didn't stop this time. She was about to yell but then she heard a female voice on the otherside

''camz please open your door'' The voice whimpered on the otherside

Camila already recognized that voice it was Lauren

''w-why are you h-here'' Camila stutterd

''please camila open your door'' Camila could hear the girl crying

camila opened her door, and she couldn't believe what she saw. Lauren was crying she had bruises everywhere her nose and lips were bleeding.

Laurens tears were running down her face, she looked so broken. Camila never saw this side of lauren she could feel her pain

''Lauren what happened'' Camila asked worried, but Lauren didn't reply she fell to the ground crying silently

Camila kneeled down and hugged lauren 

''shhh don't cry it's gonne be ok'' Camila whispered in Laurens ear holding her close, Camila's heart broke seeing Lauren like this, this isn't Lauren she knew like in school

this person was a whole different person

but why did she care about this person who made her life like hell.

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