Chapter 26

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"Damn cabello never knew you were like this" Lauren mumbled against Camila's lips. Camila's eyes shot open and she quickly pulled away.

"Fuck Camila what did you do" Camila thought and stared out of the window, Lauren just looked at her and smirked.

After a few seconds Lauren shook her head and started the car again making her way to her home. After she got there she stopped the car and got out making her way to Camila's side and opened the door for her.

"Hey it's okay we can talk about this" Lauren said offering her hand, Camila looked up to Lauren's face studying her. Camila knew Lauren was playing with her mind and grabbed her hand getting out of the car.

"I'm home alone we can just chill here and talk about this plan, and don't worry i'm not going to do anything" Lauren said opening the front door. After they got inside they made their way to the living room. Camila sat awkwardly next to Lauren feeling kinda uncomfortable.

"I'm sorry for what happened earlier, i didn't know what i was doing" Camila said after a few minutes meeting Lauren's eyes.

"It's okay Camz everyone has hormones we're just teenagers" Lauren said smirking at Camila. Camila just blushed and looked at her hands.

"So about this plan, it's a win win for you and me you know" Lauren said with a straight face. Camila thought about it Lauren is right people are going to stop messing with her maybe it's not bad after al but she's always gonna keep her hate towards Lauren.

"We can watch a movie you know if you want, and i'll get some food" Lauren offered a small smile. Camila nodded her head kinda confused again, Lauren really confuses her sometimes but she ignored it. This side of Lauren is better than the bully side of Lauren.

After half an our Lauren got some food and got comfortable on the couch and sat really close to Camila. Camila got really nervous, they sat so close.

"Camila" Lauren said in a whisper after some minutes. Camila turned her head to look at lauren and when she did Lauren's face was so close to her.

"I really want to kiss you right now" Lauren whispered looking at Camila's lips. Camila got a strange feeling inside of her stomach like butterflies she couldn't help it this Lauren was so gentle and caring. But the worst of all Camila actually wanted Lauren to kiss her so she closed the gap between them

This kiss was so different it was so soft and gentle and passionate. Lauren started to touch her upper thigh and got higher every second. Their kiss started to turn in to a heavily make out session. Every second that passed by Camila got wetter and she hated it but she couldn't help herself.

Lauren started to kiss Camila's neck and Camila lost it, she pushed Lauren on the couch and got on top of her kissing her hard. Lauren grabbed Camila's ass and Camila moaned.

"Fuck that was so hot" Lauren mumbled between Camila's lips. Camila couldn't take it no more she wanted Lauren to fuck her.

"Take me to your bedroom" Camila said looking into Lauren's eyes.

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